And the Green Center Award Goes To...

IES Abroad Freiburg!

In honor of Earth Day, we’re excited to announce the IES Abroad Freiburg Center as the 2013 recipient of the Green Center Award!
The Freiburg Center won the Green Center Award in 2009, and since then has taken even more steps to become sustainable in their business practices, activities, and teaching—most notably by switching to a 100% sustainable energy provider (the switch will take place in May 2013).
The Freiburg Center will be partnering with ElektrizitätsWerke Schönau—a German energy supplier that provides nuclear- and fossil fuel-free energy. (Read the company’s 100 Good Reasons Against Nuclear Power.)
In addition, the Center has been going green by:
  • Integrating environmental policies into IES Abroad Economics and Political Science courses
  • Using energy-saving lamps at the Center
  • Installing new windows at the Center to reduce heating costs
  • Turning off all electrical appliances (not on stand-by) at the end of the day
  • Educating students on mandatory recycling rules, public transportation systems, and how/where to buy healthy, local food

In recognition, IES Abroad will make a monetary donation to the local environmentally focused charity of the Center’s choice—LEIF (Learning Experience Freiburg). LEIF recently received an award from the German UNESCO Commission for their project “Green Technology Jobs for Young People,” which furthers the United Nations’ global education initiatives, and teaches children and adults about sustainable thinking and action.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Freiburg!
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