After the Credits Roll: Life After Winning IES Abroad's Study Abroad Film Festival

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IES Abroad
August 28, 2024

We’re passionate about study abroad and elevating the way it has transformed thousands of students’ lives. For the past ten years, IES Abroad's Study Abroad Film Festival has put our students into the director’s chair allowing them to peel back the curtain and show cultural immersion, personal growth, and unforgettable experiences through their lens, literally. As we near the 10th anniversary of our Study Abroad Film Festival, it only feels right to reflect on previous winners and dig into how the experience has shaped their life and career. This is a story you won’t want to miss.  


🎥 Lights, camera, action — let’s see where they are now!   

Sami Stidham Headshot

Samantha (Sami) Stidham, 2023 Film Fest Grand Prize Winner (Barcelona)

Samantha is a passionate journalist and filmmaker who believes that meaningful stories can be found anywhere if you only know how to listen. She is a recent graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she studied journalism and digital studies. Samantha is now pursuing a career in storytelling and film. She hopes to continue to travel the world hearing as many stories as she can. Samantha was the winner of the 2023 IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival with her film “Take the Goggles Off,” which encourages viewers to slow down and fall in love with the simplicity of life as well as the extraordinary. She says her semester in Spain was deeply influential, and she hopes to encourage others to travel/study abroad as well.

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Zeke Winitsky, 2022 Film Fest Grand Prize Winner (Berlin)

Zeke Winitsky is a New York based filmmaker, screenwriter, and producer originally hailing from Philadelphia, PA. He has been writing and directing films since 2015, with his short film ASTROWEB debuting at festivals across this US this year. Zeke’s short COMING TO BERLIN took home the grand prize at the 2022 IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival. Zeke tells stories focused on family, art, politics, and change. He currently produces for the award winning agency RTO+P.

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Kiubon Kokko, 2020 Film Fest Grand Prize Winner (Nantes)

Hailing from Columbus, Ohio, Kiubon now lives in Hong Kong as a documentary filmmaker and recovering people pleaser. He is an O'Shaughnessy Ventures, Wexner Film/Video, and Short to Feature Lab fellow. Kiubon is a proud jiu jitsu white belt and member of A-Doc.

Kiubon Kokko's Grand Prize-winning film from the 2020 IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival is titled “If I Could Put Into Words...”.

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Jordan Cain, 2016 Film Fest Grand Prize Winner (Vienna)

Jordan Cain, is a husband, high school band director, sports fan, and traveler. Jordan was born and raised in Orange County, California. His first major life adventure started when he chose to leave California to attend Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music for his bachelor’s degree. While in college, he met his lovely wife, Allison. They both love to travel and have recently visited Kauai, Iceland, and Norway! Jordan is currently in year seven of his teaching career and is the Director of Bands and Orchestra at Homestead High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Jordan’s hobbies include playing golf, watching Formula 1 and NFL football, and watching movies.    

Jordan Cain’s Grand Prize-winning film from the 2016 IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival is titled “Even in Europe...”. 

What Are You Doing Now? What's Your Job Title?

SS: I recently graduated from UW-Madison where I studied journalism and film/digital communications. I’m now a freelance journalist/videographer working primarily with Wisconsin 350, an environmental organization. 

ZK: I am currently a Producer of social video at Philly-based ad agency RTO+P. 

KK: I'm directing my first feature length documentary, Holding on to Water. It's about my dad's 10-hour swim to Hong Kong from China to escape communism in the 70s and how that affected my family.  

JC: I am the Director of Bands and Orchestra at Homestead High School in Fort Wayne, IN. I am currently in my 7th year of teaching.   

“The IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival made me finally believe my voice as a director is important and worth sharing. It was the first time I realized I'm capable of making art that positively impacts more than myself. ”
Kiubon Kokko • Claremont McKenna • Nantes – French Language Immersion & Area Studies

How Did the Film Festival Impact You/Your Career?

SS: Winning the IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival had a huge impact on me and my career. Storytelling, particularly through the medium of film, was what I studied in college, and what I’m doing with my career. It’s become a deep love of mine, and the IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival was the first film project I ever did outside of a university setting. It was an incredible experience that not only gave me some real exposure to that world, but it gave me confidence that it’s something I can succeed in outside of my university. 

ZW: The IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival completely solidified my desire to go into film full-time and gave me a much-needed confidence boost. After winning, I felt more equipped and self-assured to pursue my creative ideas. It also served as a wonderful resume booster because of the festival itself and the press around the festival. It was the first time I felt truly like a professional filmmaker. 

KK: The IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival made me finally believe my voice as a director is important and worth sharing. It was the first time I realized I'm capable of making art that positively impacts more than myself.   

JC: The IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival provided me the opportunity to meet and connect with many kind people. We shared stories of our time abroad and reflected on our amazing experiences. We all value education, diversity, and encourage others to take the leap of studying abroad to experience life-changing activities. As an educator, I work to create unforgettable, incredible experiences for my students. I use travel as one of the tools to accomplish that goal. 

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Advice for How Students Can Document Their Study Abroad Experience

SS: Be genuine, be curious, and be open. Study abroad can be a very transformative and personal experience. It can be easy to get swept up in how other people are forming their experiences, or how you think it’s supposed to play out. I think this can box you in a bit. Be open to your new home, and allow your experience to unfold without too many preconceived notions. Most of my favorite memories came from moments when I stepped outside my comfort zone and allowed myself to fall into the place I was. Being your genuine self and being curious is also vital to this. Learn everything you can (the language, culture, people, history, etc.), make your time your own, and experience all of it. 

ZW: My advice would be: think outside the box. Sure, you can film everything you see and make a fun travelogue when you get back, but you can push yourself further than that. Find an angle, a story, a specific moment or place, that really encapsulates what your experience meant to you. Don't just show us what you did, tell us why it matters.   

KK (photographer of left photo): Document anything and everything without taking away from your experience. Sometimes that means filming something with your phone or taking pictures. Other ways could be recording a voice memo of the ambience of your friends finally connecting or you stumbling in language class. Or it could be spending five minutes a day journaling all the things you're feeling. Whatever it looks like, you must do something for the sake of your future self.   

JC (pictured above, right): I suggest documenting your time abroad by diving into a medium you are passionate about or picking something new that you want to try. For me, film was something new that I wanted to try. Now, I have a four minute video that allows me to relive some of the most amazing times of my life. I am jealous of my wife's travel journal because it is filled with great detail and timestamps of her activities. If I could do it again, I would be more diligent in taking more detailed notes of my travels.  

What is Your Favorite IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival That Isn't Your Own?

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Samantha (Sami) Stidham's Pick

BEIJING | Film Festival 2014 Winner | East of Here

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Zeke Winitsky's Pick

LONDON |"Feel So Free"| 2022 Film Fest Finalist

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Kiubon Kokko's Pick

BARCELONA |"Take the Goggles Off"| 2023 Film Fest Grand Prize Winner

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Jordan Cain's Pick

LONDON | "First Date" | 2023 Film Fest Semi-Finalist

“Be open to your new home, and allow your experience to unfold without too many preconceived notions. Most of my favorite memories came from moments when I stepped outside my comfort zone and allowed myself to fall into the place I was.”
Samantha (Sami) Stidham • University of Wisconsin - Madison • IES Abroad Barcelona

How Did You Feel When You Won?

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SS (pictured above, left): I couldn’t believe it! There had been so much build-up in the months leading up to it, it felt unreal when they called my name. I was so excited and proud of my film, and so grateful to my friends, family, and everyone who helped me get there. 

ZW (pictured above, right): When I won, I was overjoyed. I was pretty surprised because the other films in the competition were incredible and I felt immense gratitude to everyone who voted. The entire day at the festival was a whirlwind of press, new faces, and other filmmakers. I was honored just to be a part of it. When I won, though, it was the cherry on top.  

KK: I didn't want to have too high expectations in case I was let down. So, when I was making the film, I really was just trying to make something that would make my friends from abroad proud. I hoped they would walk away feeling honored and nostalgic about our adventure and all it did for our lives. So, if I didn't win, I would know I had already accomplished my purpose. When I did win, I was elated and excited to share the victory with my friends. It was the extra cherry on top of an already transformative semester.

JC: I was surprised to find out I was a finalist and shocked to find out that I won! I never thought that anyone would see it outside of my family and friends. When a staff member at IES Abroad Vienna saw it, they urged me to submit it for the IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival. I figured, "why not", and here we are! 

By now we hope it’s clear that this is truly more than a film festival — if the stories of our previous winners have captivated your heart as they have ours, here's how to stay inspired and in the loop about our 10th Study Abroad Film Festival on October 17th, 2024: 

Take a virtual stroll down memory lane: check out our Youtube playlist highlighting the past nine winners! ✨


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