5 Phrases For Studying Abroad in Berlin

Jill Kruidenier
April 16, 2014

Thinking of studying in Berlin? Trust us: you'll be glad you learned these five phrases!

  1. Your housing arrangement will have you saying: I love living with Berlin residents!
    Ich liebe das Leben mit den Bewohnern von Berlin!
  2. Taking 15-19 credits and learning outside the classroom will leave you speechless, except for: I'm learning so much in Berlin!
    Ich lerne so viel in Berlin!
  3. Meeting local and international students through university classes or extra-curricular and volunteer activities will leave you saying: I've met some amazing people!
    Ich habe ein paar tolle Leute kennengelernt!
  4. Whether you can barely say "guten tag" or you're practically fluent, living in Berlin will have you saying: My language skills are getting stronger every day!
    Mein Sprachkenntnisse werden täglich besser!
  5. The city of Berlin will leave you bragging to everyone you meet: Berlin has so much energy and culture!
    Die Stadt Berlin hat so viel Energie und Kultur!

Want to learn more about Berlin and German culture? Meet a student blogger or check out our Metropolitan Studies and Language & Area Studies programs.

Now that you've got the phrases, don't be all talk. Apply now.

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Jill Kruidenier

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