49 IES Abroad Students Received Gilman Scholarship in 2019-2020

IES Abroad
January 21, 2019

We are proud to congratulate 49 IES Abroad students who have received the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study abroad for the 2019-20 Academic Year:

  • Summer 2019: 9 students
  • Fall 2019: 19 students
  • Spring 2020: 21  students

The Gilman Scholarship is an award offered to U.S. undergraduate students who are studying or interning abroad and who receive Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university. Gilman Scholars receive up to $5,000, and IES Abroad awards eligible recipients an automatic supporting grant of up to $1,000 ($500 for summer students and $1,000 for semester students).

To be eligible for IES Abroad's supporting grant, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a current recipient of the Gilman Scholarship (for the same semester or year of the study abroad experience)
  • Attend a college or university that is a Member or Associate member of the IES Abroad Consortium, and the home school must have a policy of transferring at least 75% of institutional aid for study abroad
  • Be accepted to and participate in an IES Abroad standard program

Congratulations to the following students:

StudentIES Abroad ProgramHome University

Michael Chung

Barcelona—Liberal Arts & BusinessUniversity of Rochester
Sainy KaireBarcelona—Liberal Arts & BusinessSanta Clara University
Shakira Del ToroBarcelona—Liberal Arts & BusinessUniversity of Iowa
Estefhani TavarezBarcelona—Liberal Arts & BusinessMount Holyoke College
Nicole ZavalaBarcelona—Political Science & International RelationsThe George Washington University
Savannah YatesCambridge Summer—Pembroke-King's ProgrammeWagner College
Kennedy AldrichCape Town—Health, Culture & DevelopmentUniversity of Richmond
Justin WeeksCape Town—University of Cape TownUniversity of South Carolina
Sabereen MohamedCape Town Summer—InternshipUniversity of Iowa
Zainab Mousa-MakkyCape Town Summer—InternshipUniversity of Iowa
Justin KingChristchurch—University of CanterburyUniversity of Rochester
David WoodwardDublin Summer—Intensive ActingUniversity of Tennessee-Knoxville
Toran LangfordEuropean UnionPomona College
Fritz Jan ManzanoEuropean UnionOccidental College
Mariah CroninFreiburg—Environmental Studies & SustainabilityUniversity of Vermont
Kiara PaninosFreiburg—Language & Area StudiesWhitman College
Rhealene FowlerGalapagos Islands—GAIASLoyola University Chicago
Refugio MorenoGalapagos Islands—GAIASIllinois Wesleyan University
Taylor RenickGalapagos Islands—GAIASCentral Michigan University
Destiny JacksonLondon—City UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Cidnei RuckerLondon—Study LondonThe George Washington University
Moises GarciaLondon—Theater StudiesUniversity of North Texas
Noelia CalcanoMadrid—Language & Area StudiesBowdoin College
Maria Perez MendozaMadrid—Language & Area StudiesBowdoin College
Kevin WuMilan—Business StudiesBabson College
Atiya ByromMilan—Business StudiesSpelman College
Valentina SolciMilan—Business StudiesThe New School
Hikmah OkoyaNagoza—Nanzan UniversityBowdoin College
Kaina LisibachParis—Business & International AffairsBabson College
Andrew VuongParis—French StudiesNorthwestern University
Christella PhilippeParis—Studio Art, Dance & MusicBerea College
Tabitha AtoQuito—Universidad San Francisco de QuitoThe George Washington University
Kayla Kirkland-JohnsonRome—Early Childhood EducationSpelman College
Natalie FolliRome—Language & Area StudiesUniversity of Texas-Austin
Joy HowardRome Summer—Language & CultureHoward University
Sara BenesSalamanca—PsychologyUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln
Abena AfariSantiago—Health StudiesGrinnell College
Anne Thomas MathewsSantiago—Politics, Social Justice & LanguageWofford College
Yidi ZhouShanghai—Economy, Business & SocietyUniversity of the Pacific
Zuriel TrejoShanghai Summer—InternshipUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
Amy SandersTokyo—Language & CultureUniversity of North Texas
Azucena EspirituTokyo—Language & CultureUniversity of Rochester
Kimberly Fernandez PedrazaVienna—European Society & CultureSanta Clara University
Rowan Cusack MillerVienna—MusicNorthwestern University
Adam GarciaVienna—MusicIllinois Wesleyan University
Grace MillerVienna—MusicLehigh University
Meghan MurphyVienna Summer—InternshipLehigh University
Theodore Van WinkleVienna Summer—InternshipUniversity of Iowa
Mary OwensVienna Summer—PsychologyUniversity of Alabama

The full list of students who have been selected to receive Gilman Scholarships, including students’ home state, university, and country of study, is available on the IIE (Institute of International Education) website.

Wondering if there's money available to help fund your study abroad adventure? Learn more by visiting IES Abroad's Scholarships and Aid page.

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