3 Ways Art Students Can Feel at Home in Paris

Jill Kruidenier
November 6, 2014

For centuries, Paris has been considered the capital of the art world. From museums and galleries, to cinema and opera houses, artistic opportunities and performances abound in the City of Light.

As a strong supporter of all aspects of French culture, the Paris French Studies Program allows students interested in the arts to enroll in courses at three partner intuitions, as a supplement to the IES Abroad offerings.

Académie de la Croix Nivert
Painters and sculptors gravitate to the Académie de la Croix Nivert in the 15th arrondissement, a quiet neighborhood that has a long-standing tradition of harboring artist studios. Student can also study drawing and mixed studio art.

Ecole Normale de Musique
Musically inclined students can head to the posh 17th arrondissement for classes at the prestigious Ecole Normale de Musique. There, they can enroll in music history and theory, as well as performance classes for a variety of instruments including piano, violin, and flute, among others. Singers also have the possibility of enrolling in private voice lessons.

Paris Marais Dance School
Our most recent partnership with the Paris Marais Dance School attracts both beginning dance students, as well as more experienced performers, to this trendy district to take classes in the former Belize palace, a 17th century hôtel particulier. The school offers both classical ballet classes and modern styles, such as the Martha Graham technique. Learn more here.

German philosopher, poet, and composer Friedrich Nietzche once said, “An artist has no home in Europe except in Paris.” Our Paris French Studies students are finding that to be true, as well. Join them!


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Jill Kruidenier

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