Upcoming Website Maintenance

Early this Monday morning U.S. Central Time the IES Abroad website will undergo scheduled maintenance. During this time some or all features of the site - like login and account creation - will be unavailable, but we expect this disruption to be brief. Thank you for your patience.

Study abroad safety begins with being accurately informed from the moment you're considering study abroad through to the day you return home. 

Review the following study abroad safety tips for planning independent travel. Read experiences and advice from current students on topics of safety and mental health. Explore our publications including IES Abroad's MAP for Student Health, Safety & Crisis Management — the first set of institutional standards published by a study abroad provider.

Once you've been accepted to a program, more detailed health and safety tips unique to your study abroad location will be made available in your MyIESabroad account.

Study Abroad Safety Tips for Traveling

Preparing for Your Trip
Register with your embassy/consulate in the country you will be traveling to. Be sure to make physical or digital copies of your passport.
Transportation & Recreation
Research safe and reliable transportation in the region you will be traveling, and always use helmets and seat belts.
Public Spaces
Travel with a companion whenever possible, avoid walking alone at night, stay alert and confident, and keep a low profile in public areas.
Money, Valuables & Important Documents
Carry money, tickets, and your passport securely and close to your body. Do not leave these in your hotel room or luggage.
Luggage & Accommodations
Ensure your luggage has internal and external identifications and a lock. Keep your door locked at any accommodations.

The IES Abroad MAP for Student Health, Safety & Crisis Management

The IES Abroad Map for Health, Safety & Crisis Management sets standards which highlight the importance of student preparation and training before and during their study abroad experience; the critical role of highly trained on-site staff; the value of ongoing local and global risk assessment; and the importance of maintaining U.S. health and safety standards in every country.  

The author, William P. Hoye, is Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Chief Operating Officer at IES Abroad. He also manages the IES Abroad Crisis Management Team. 

More About the IES Abroad MAP Series

View the IES Abroad MAP for Health, Safety & Crisis Management

“IES Abroad made me feel safe while being in a place completely foreign to me. I knew that whatever happened, I had people there to support me...The events organized through IES Abroad made me felt like I belonged.”
Isabel M. • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill • Amsterdam