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IES Abroad Annual Conference Travel Grants

annual conference 2025


What is a Travel Grant?

This year, we’re excited to offer travel grants to support attendance at the Conference. The same way we believe in providing meaningful intercultural experiences for our students, we want our valued partners and colleagues in International Education to have the opportunity to attend a once-in-a-lifetime Conference experience. 


Who Can Apply?

Five travel grants of up to $1,500 will be available to education abroad professionals

It is open to all education abroad professionals with preference for new IES Abroad Consortium institutions (within 2 years), first-time IES Abroad Conference attendees, professionals with less than 5 years in International Education or 2 years at their current institution, faculty with study abroad advising responsibilities, and staff from offices outside of Study Abroad.

Requirements include: attending the full Conference, submitting detailed expense receipts within 30 days post-Conference, and sharing your experience via LinkedIn post.


How does the process work?

You will be informed by early June if you have been awarded a grant. Funds for the grants and stipends will be dispersed after the Conference. 

If you meet the requirements for a travel grant, please apply by using the form below. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 16th, 2025. 


Travel Stipends for Consortium Members

Annual Conference Registration remains FREE for Consortium Members as a benefit of membership. Non-Consortium registration cost is $600 (Early Bird) and $700 (General). Any and all Full and Associate Consortium Member Schools will receive a $1,000 travel stipend per institution.

Please note that travel grants and stipends can be combined for the same institution, but not the same individual.
