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IES Abroad Familiarization Trip: Dublin, Ireland

Dublin Street Scene

What to Expect:

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Meet our staff in Dublin
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Tour our Center & student housing
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Take a deep dive in to the breadth of academic offerings in Dublin...watch out for exciting programmatic changes that will be announced soon
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Visit partner institutions and learn about our Direct Enrollment opportunities, including our Engineering program
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Learn about our commitment to supporting students of all identities and backgrounds on our programs
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Hear from our highly- trained global staff about how they support student health, safety, and wellness abroad

Dates & Cost

When: February 9- February 14, 2025

Optional London Visit on February 17, 2025

If you would like to participate in a one-day visit at the IES Abroad Center in London after the Dublin Fam Trip, IES Abroad will cover the cost of your flight from Dublin to London.  Hotels will be provided through the morning of Friday, February 14.  Participants joining us in London will be responsible for arranging and covering the cost of their own accommodation but will receive a $250 stipend to use towards travel expenses.  

Cost: Full Members: $500
Associate Members: $600
IES Abroad covers airfare, accommodation during the trip, some meals, on-site transportation and to/from the airports, all program-related trips, and international health insurance.

Apply/ Nominate Today!

We hope you can join us for this experience—study abroad staff and faculty (all disciplines) from our Consortium are encouraged to attend.  Please note that this opportunity is only available to those affiliated with an institution in the IES Abroad Consortium.

Please complete the form below to apply or nominate someone for the Dublin Familiarization Trip.  . 

Apply or Nominate 

Learn more about Familiarization Trips, and contact Contact Hope McClelland-Young with questions