Dr. Saskia Stachowitsch
Dr. Saskia Stachowitsch is a researcher, educator, and higher education manager with over 15 years of experience in academic and policy-oriented social science as well as teaching and mentoring at all curricular levels. Her research has been funded by several large grants from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Saskia holds a PhD and MA in political science from the University of Vienna.
She is currently an Affiliated Scholar at the Central European University (CEU). She has published widely on gender and security, military gender integration, the privatization of security, EU (border) security, feminist and post-colonial theories in international relations, and Jewish political history in Austria. She is a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and co-editor of the Journal of International Relations and Development.
In addition, Saskia has held numerous prestigious positions which include:
• Senior Research Fellow at Central European University (CEU).
• Professor of International Politics at the University of Vienna.
• Scientific Director of the Austrian Institute of International Affairs (OIIP).
• She has also held postdoctoral positions at the University of Bristol and the University of California, Berkeley.