Study Abroad with IES Abroad

IES Abroad is committed to extending its learning opportunities to students from all walks of life and recognizes that students under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status may wish to take part in our programs. 

Students should seek their own, independent, legal advice relating to international travel and obtaining an Advanced Parole document to participate in an IES Abroad program outside of the United States. Upon request, IES Abroad will provide students under DACA status a letter to confirm their enrollment in an IES Abroad program and an itinerary for the proposed program.

“My virtual internship allowed me to take my communication and critical thinking skills to a new level because I worked with people with very different experiences from my own and was exposed to new cultures.”
Sapphire Skye T. • University of Nebraska – Lincoln • Vienna

What Program is Best for Me?

a professor teaches about evolution in Galápagos

Semester Programs

Semester study abroad and internship programs are available if a student is able to obtain permission to travel outside of the United States for more than 90 days.

a cityscape of beautiful Barcelona

Summer Programs

Summer study abroad and internship programs are available if a student is able to obtain permission to travel outside of the United States for a maximum of 90 days.

a student smiling while using their laptop

Remote Internship Programs

Remote internship programs are available if a student is unable to obtain permission to travel outside of the United States.


Let's Talk

Reach out to the Access & Strategic Partnerships Team at if you have any questions about identity-based events, how identity can affect study abroad or internship experiences, opportunities, or more.

Send Us an Email

Browse More Identity Resources

Just as each study abroad experience is unique, each location offers a different adventure. So we've made sure to compile diversity resources specific to your host city and country. 

All Resources
students attend an LGBT parade

Disclaimer: IES Abroad does not provide any legal advice to students regarding Advanced Parole or other DACA-related issues.