David Reiersgord is the Center Director and Academic Manager at IES Abroad Cape Town. He holds a Master of Arts in English Literature from Stellenbosch University, where his thesis focused on metaphors of narrative in South African author Marlene van Niekerk’s novels Triomf (1995) and Agaat (2004). He has taught in the English and Linguistics Departments at the University of Stellenbosch, as part of the Extended Degree Programme, and worked as the Assistant Director of AIFS – Stellenbosch, with American exchange students. His research interests are in South African politics, fiction, narrative form, narrative temporalities, non-human histories and the relationship between the individual and the nation. He writes political commentary in South Africa’s online publication Daily Maverick, and reviews books in South Africa’s print newspaper Business Day.

David Reiersgord
IES Abroad Cape Town Center Director