The ontogenesis of humans is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The extent that the human phenotype is influenced by environmental factors versus genetic factors is a widely debated issue when considering the genotype-phenotype relationship...wait a second, that’s not what I intended to blog about right now. As much as I enjoy writing research papers in human ecology (for the record, I kind of do) I think I’m going to keep this blog post on the lighter side, for the sake of both our sanities.
Today, at approximately 5:30 PM I emerged from my squatting ground in the Senate House library. I've been subsisting on a diet mainly consisting of marmite toast, coffee, and the occasional clementine- because nobody wants scurvy! This week I had midterm exams, and I’m sure many of my fellow students can relate to the conflicting feelings I have right now: dare I describe it as feeling like I could either run a marathon or take a ten day long nap?
Moving on to less exciting news, it was my birthday over this past weekend. After our Friday classes at Oxford some friends and I decided to stay in the town for a night, so we could do some of the stereotypical touristy things we otherwise wouldn’t get to do with our tight class schedule and our London-Oxford, Oxford-London train commute. I’ll attach some of the pictures from the weekend below this post! On Friday we went to mass at New College to hear the boys choir sing, grabbed dinner at the pub, and then went out on the town. On Saturday *my birthday*, we woke up early to climb the tower of St Mary’s at University College and got some quality snaps of Ox basking in the early morning light, looking enchanting as ever. We explored the town some more, visited the Sheldonian Theatre, the Ashmolean Museum (where they made us wear our backpacks round front like expecting mothers- see pic below), and then hopped on the train back to London. I was so tired by the time I got back to London that I ended up going to sleep before 10PM, on my birthday nonetheless. I guess that’s what happens as you get older…
This weekend I'm heading to Berlin, and the weekend after that to Prague, and the weekend after that to Budapest-- so stay posted for some upcoming travel pictures as November is chock full of weekend getaways!

Zelie Kasten
<p>Global nomad. Lover of sunshine and the outdoors. Foodie. I'm a senior at American University in Washington D.C where I'm studying International Relations with a specialization in Global Health and Environmental Sustainability. When I'm not studying or working I'm usually planning my future travels or cuddling with the nearest dog. Join me on my journey to prove that the sun does indeed shine in the City of Old Smoke!</p>