I'm going on a New Zealand Adventure!

Veronica Rusk
June 4, 2018

Hi there! My name is Veronica Rusk. I am a junior at Loyola University Chicago with a film and women's and gender's studies double major. The first thing you need to know about me is that I am a huge film nerd!  So when I was going to Loyola I knew that studying abroad was a must to my college experience. I also knew that I wanted to go to a place I have never been to. So I narrowed it down to Europe and Australia and New Zealand. I did some research and found out IES Abroad was going to be at a study abroad fair at LUC. So I went and I got many pamphlets and many pitches.

Unfortunately, many of the other programs and companies, didn’t have many film programs for the summer and barley and Women’s and Gender’s Studies program. I was just about to leave the fair when the IES Abroad table caught my eye. I wandered over and this very nice representative asked me what would be my ideal program. So I told her that I wanted a summer film program in either Europe or Australia/New Zealand, She handed me this thick book and opened to show me the University of Auckland- Summer Direct Enrollment Film Production. She told me that it’s a hands-on intensive course and that the application is very rigorous. I just knew I couldn’t pass up this opportunity. A four week program to create a short film! It sounded too good to be true! 

I am very excited for this opperunity. This is a chance for me to grow not only in my career but in my profession! 

I hope you all join me on this crazy adventure! If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them! 


Happy Travels, 


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Veronica Rusk

<p>Hi, My name is Veronica Rusk. I am currently a Sophomore attending Loyola University Chicago. I love to create and edit videos. In my spear time I watch Netflix and play video games.</p>

Home University:
Loyola University Chicago
Chicago, IL
Film Studies
Women's Studies
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