Hey there! Well today was the day. I took my last IES final in the world's warmest classroom (don't worry it wasn't in the IES building). Soon I will be a college senior and that thought sickens me to my core. As I sit here and type this now I have the ever-daunting 80%-of-my-final-grade monetary economics final at City University tomorrow looming over me. So in honor of my crippling procrastination and fear that studying will only prove that I don't know jack about economics, I wanted to share with you all the final project for my video production course that I took with IES. This was a really fun course, only 6 students take it per semester if I'm not mistaken, so there was a lot of hands on teaching throughout. The final project (really semester long project) was a 5 minute short documentary on Abbey Road. In my love for nature docs I appropriated the style to form what is now Abbey Road: A Walk on the Wild Side. If you have a little film experience and want to get some more I highly recommend taking the course. Special shoutout to Naomi Seekings (my professor) for all of her help this semester and general IES Legend Simon Causton for providing me with his well crafted (real) British accent (regular speaking voice) for the production. Hope you enjoy.

Thomas Gongol
<p>Hey everyone! My name is Tommy Gongol, I'm a Junior at Penn State. I'm spending my spring 2015 in London with IES and am going to be documenting my semester with photos and videos. A little about myself, I'm a finance major but am interested in the business side of film and television, I am on the club frisbee team and in a business fraternity while at school. With what little free time I have left I love taking pictures and making videos.</p>