Travel Journal: IES Abroad Berlin Orientation

Tal Pemstein
Tal Pemstein
September 6, 2024
Selfie of seven students on a night out

Wednesday, August 28: Move-in day!

I’m finally here in Berlin! It’s been a surprisingly chill day, since there is no official programming outside of check-in and move-in. Though I wish I had a chance to meet other students, it has been nice to have some time to unpack and get settled. My room is really nice compared to the college dorms that I’m accustomed to; I have my own bathroom, plenty of shelves, and a well-soundproofed window overlooking the bustling street and elevated railway. I do think that it’ll take some time to get used to the bright red accent wall and questionable wall decorations…

Since I share a kitchen with the other students in my hall, that’s where I’ve met a couple of my neighbors as I unpacked groceries and made dinner. We made plans to head to the study center together tomorrow for the first orientation events!

I’m pretty exhausted so I am going to head to bed early. Looking forward to meeting people and exploring the city tomorrow! 

Friday, August 29: Orientation

These past couple of days have been such a whirlwind! All of the administrative tasks, informational sessions, and social opportunities have made me feel a lot more prepared for the semester ahead. I have also met a lot more of my neighbors, and it’s become really fun to hang out with them while cooking and eating meals in the communal kitchen. We’ve also been commuting to and from the study centers together, figuring out which public transit routes are most convenient and reliable. I have some chill plans later today with a few people on my floor, which will be nice after the three-hour Historic Berlin walking tour this afternoon! 

Sunday, September 1: First weekend in Berlin!

It’s Museumssonntag!! Today is the first Sunday of the month, a day when many of the museums and galleries in Berlin have free entry. I absolutely love museums, so I invited some of my new friends to join me for a day of museums. We started at the Museum für Naturkunde (the Museum of Natural History), and spent the morning with dinosaur skeletons, models of rock formations, and geodes. Then, after a pause for lunch nearby, we took the U-Bahn over to the Schwules Museum (Gay Museum) where there was an incredible exhibit about the history of sex work and sex workers in Berlin. It was really fantastic, and I’ll be recommending it to everyone.

Tuesday, September 3: German Language and Culture Intensive

This week all IES Abroad Berlin students receive three hours of German instruction per day as part of our orientation programming. Since I have never studied German before, I am in the introductory course, where we have been learning how to ask and answer simple questions about ourselves, as well as some other basic vocabulary. I can now confidently introduce myself, discuss my hobbies and academic interests, and talk about my family, and it’s only been two days of the intensive!

Before and after classes there is still plenty of time to hang out and explore the city. The past couple of mornings, I have taken long walks around new areas of the city, and found some beautiful parks. I’ve also spent time in the area right by the study center — a group from my German class found a great Pakistani restaurant right down the street, where we enjoyed dinner together last night. 

Friday, September 6: The end of Orientation

Today was the last day of Orientation! It’s been so helpful to have this time to explore Berlin, meet new people, and get a little more comfortable with my German skills. I feel ready for the next few months in Berlin! 

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Tal Pemstein

Tal Pemstein

Tal Pemstein (they/them) is a junior at Brandeis University, in Waltham, Massachusetts. They love reading, bouldering, playing Bananagrams, and exploring museums! 

2024 Fall
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Waltham, Massachusetts
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