Skip the insta research – I did it for you.
What better way to learn about Rome than to follow it on Instagram? Whether it be your ex boo, ex boo’s new boo or the place you’ll be calling home for the next couple of months, Instagram is a great way to obtain new and valuable information. In preparation over the last few weeks (mostly to get hyped), I’ve gathered a few accounts I think will be useful when it comes to finding out about interesting events in my area or even just the best place to grab a cannolo before class. Bonus: you’ll even be able to practice your Italian with the captions and comments. Here are some accounts that will be sure to keep you Rome-in’.
I’ve ranked the following accounts based on photographic quality and how useful I believe them to be. Cheers.
Photography, Travel, City Guides
1. Italian Ways (@italianways): Italian Ways is an online magazine that dedicates itself to “Italy’s undiscovered beauty”; if that isn’t enough to make you want to follow, I don’t know what is. In my opinion this account has the nicest photos and definitely includes the best captions (mostly in English). Every couple of days they feature another landmark, city or region of Italy with a brief description of the photograph or an event that they included in the magazine. Their posts are charming and have a quiet beauty about them.
2. Italian Places (@italianplaces): This account has high quality and vibrant photos perfect for travel inspiration or if you simply want to indulge in beautiful Italy from your phone. @ItalianPlaces features both photos and videos, mainly of the coastal regions but of cities as well. The videos especially make you feel like you’re really there, looking out at the sea, camera in one hand and parmeggiano in the other.
3. Coffee Addicted (@coffeeaddicted): Much like your morning cappuccinos, this account will have you hooked ;) The captions are long and A+ if you want to practice your Italian. What mainly draws me to this account, though, is its more natural and refreshing take on photography. Valentina, the woman behind the handle, has over 23,000 followers and posts mainly high quality but low filter photos of Rome and the surrounding areas. Similar to @inrhome, but a bit more personal. If you’re looking to explore Rome from a local’s point of view, this account could be the one for you!
4. Italy (@italy): Similar to @ItalianPlaces, this account has super colorful, high quality photos. The reason it is 4th and not 2nd is strictly personal opinion, but both accounts have similar concepts and will repost your photo if they like it as well as include the location of where it was taken. It’s up to you to decide which you like best (I follow both because honestly the more pictures of Italian beaches on my feed the better my life).
5. In Rhome (@inrhome): This account calls itself the "main Instagram of Rome" and even boasts guides and Rome-centric info if you slide into their DMs. It’s a great page to have if you want beautiful photographs of the city on your timeline and the chance to contact them and learn more about the city. Their short and sweet captions on every post are just enough to flex your Italian language muscles and learn a thing or two as you read.
1. Vogue Italia (@vogueitalia): While most of Vogue italia’s posts are about international fashion news, the occasional local treat pops up to tell you a little bit more about the latest happening. Whether it be fashion week or an up-and-coming designer based in Milan, Vogue Italia is a must when exploring the intricate fashion world that is Rome.
2. The Sartorialist (@thesartorialist): I have been a huge fan of this account for a few years now and I can’t ever get enough of the cool, elegant and aesthetically satisfying images taken by The Sartorialist himself. Although his photos vary from Milan to New York, it’s definitely worth checking this account out for daily inspo to walk the Roman streets with.
1. Foodies Roma (@foodiesroma): Similar to the foodie accounts that have become popular in the U.S, @FoodiesRoma’s posts are going to make you want to spend your entire time exploring restaurants, cafes and bars. Their posts are as hunger-inducing as they are informative; events that include free food are constantly being included in their feed. A must-follow if you plan on eating come un maiale.
2. Lo Mangi Quello (@lo_mangi_quello): With long captions in Italian and no-filter shots of mouth watering meals, you’re definitely going to find your favorite restaurant in Rome on this feed. This account includes ratings on food quality (cibo), location, and the occasional recommendation to improve your experience.
3. Tasty Rome (@tastyrome): A smaller account, but great photos none the less. This account even includes the price of the meal so you have a better idea going in of what to expect. Tag your daily gelato shot to have a chance to get featured.
To avoid clogging your current feed and also have an exclusively Italian one, try making a temporary Instagram to follow these accounts and post pictures of your time in Italy. I find it’s a great way to document travels – whether it be for yourself or if you end up gaining a following, Instagram forces you to choose the best photos, lets you add descriptions and keeps track of dates so you can easily remember about a certain day, restaurant or event. Don’t forget to do your own insta-exploring, and happy scrolling!

Sophia Kupervaser-Gould
<p style="margin-bottom:12.0pt">Argentinian-American, Rome-in’ around. Born in Italy, sad she doesn’t have an Italian passport (yet). -- Check out my posts and follow me on my quest for citizenship and the perfect cappuccino.<span style="text-autospace:none"><span style="font-size:16.0pt"><span style="font-family:"Times",serif"> </span></span></span></p>