
Sofia Wiener
May 30, 2014

saudade: /saʊˈdɑːdə/  noun: a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia.

-Oxford Dictionary

It’s been a month of great change for me here in Madrid.  I wasn’t sure of what to write about until I really began reflecting on this last month.  Most of my IES Abroad friends have left and I go to an empty “Colegio Mayor San Agustín” now, I spend between 6-12 hours in the Universidad Complutense library preparing for the final exams I have left, I took the DELE exam (the official Spanish exam), my boyfriend came to visit me for a few days, I joined a choir with my Spanish friends yesterday, I went to the hospital for having my first allergic reaction two nights ago.  Ok, so maybe I have too many things to write about… Which is why I don’t want to go too deep into the things themselves, but rather, I hope to be able to convey the saudade I feel through some pictures I snapped in different moments on my journey here this months.

I feel like I’ve established a life here and seeing my IES Abroad friends leave has made me look at the fact that I won’t be here forever, that this experience will come to an end, and I will go back to my life in the United States.  I love my life in New York and I know that what I learn here will never leave me because I have grown so much in the past four months.  Regardless, I am glad I still have two months to go…




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Sofia Wiener

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Sofia--perhaps Sofía is more fitting in this case--is a third year Philosophy and Spanish Literature student at Fordham University. Some of her interests include photography, translating, singing, learning foreign languages, and cats--specifically red chubby ones. As the daughter of a Milanese mother, and New Yorker father, with a passion for Latin America, Sofia often finds herself lost in translation sipping on her favorite drink--yerba mate. She wants to spend her semester abroad in Madrid, Spain with her eyes wide open to live the experience to the full allowing you to take a step into her life. &iexcl;Ven a ver!</span></p>

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