Adulting Abroad: My Senior Year in Dublin!

Shreya Bhat
Shreya Bhat
July 25, 2024

            So, I did the unthinkable. I decided to study abroad in my senior year in college, now why would any sound individual do that? Of course, I understood what I would have to be missing out on and still decided that studying in Dublin is probably what I needed to grow as an individual and in my career. College is some of the most reformative years in one life and leaving for my final year is something which caused me a lot of anxiety. Well, I’m here to tell you that sometimes, the best adventures happen outside your comfort zone. Don’t get me wrong, I was terrified. The thought of leaving behind my friends, my familiar routine, and the potential to miss out on epic senior year moments was paralyzing.

             In order to overcome this anxiety, I had to recognize three core things. The first being, that if I was scared of losing friends then I should understand that those friendships were not intended to persist over time. A friendship should consist of an understanding that even though time passes, and you both are busy with your life, you should still be able to fall right back into the comfortable pattern in which you left, and I can name the individuals in my life that I know will be there for me when I return. Even though relationships require work, if you find yourself anxious about losing some individuals during your time abroad then the connection might not have been as strong as you thought. I was taught by my parents to consistently believe that you should surround yourself with people who let you be your most authentic self and make you feel comfortable in your own skin. 

            Second, celebrate your own experiences, yes you might have had some of your best memories with your friends back home in your college or university but that doesn’t mean that you should foresee your experiences abroad as anything less. Many people might not have the same opportunity that you were presented with and understanding that plays a big factor in realizing that this is something worth celebrating. Something that I had to move past was the idea of missing those small moments I would have with my roommates laughing about a movie or some silly boy, but those memories can still persist with new people who might make you laugh more. Comparison is always your worst enemy, dismissing experiences because you are scared that they will not be as fun is something that will lessen your time abroad. Being in Dublin, I have the opportunity to visit many different places and meet many different people, in which I can create those small memories. 

            Third, it is YOUR life!! You are the only person who can determine how much importance you give to your experiences. Maybe your friends back home had a great night out, but if you got to go out abroad and learn aspects of a new culture that is an experience which will not compare to anything else. As a kid I used to watch movies of students going abroad and experiencing life-changing things, and you have the opportunity to do so yourself. So be the main character, be the person who people look up to! Be the individual who creates those small memories abroad, comes home, and creates more memories sharing your stories. 

            At first, studying in Dublin scared me, in my soul I knew that this opportunity would be the best thing for me, however, my heart was scared to leave. Remembering these three things really helped me understand that I am the main character of my own life. I don’t have to compare myself with others and I get to choose what I give importance to in my life. Being a senior in college, I realize I might have to give up some really great experiences, but I know that being in a new environment, exploring a new place by myself, I will grow as an individual into my best self. Accepting the reality of your decisions is always the best way to understanding yourself as an individual. Be open to change and be your true authentic self so that your experience abroad is something which will change your life forever!

An image with me at my friends at a Fourth of July fair in my hometown:)

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Shreya Bhat

Shreya Bhat

My name is Shreya Bhat, I am a South Indian woman who is interested in being her most authentic self and providing honest and real experience through podcasts and blogs for viewers who are interested in pursuing an education abroad. 

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