Now, the first two weeks in Santiago has been nothing short of amazing. Making awesome new friends, going out with awesome new friends, exploring the city at 2 am with awesome new friends, the list goes on.
We hiked San Cristóbal, a hike that led us to a view that is astonishing. We were able to see the entire city of Santiago! When that wasn’t enough to fill our adventurous souls, we trekked the Aguas de Ramon of the Andes. This took us several hours, but it was absolutely work every step as we dodged cow manure the entire trail! We were struck with amazement at the snow filled peaks of the mountains, the smoothness of the water falls and even the sun, as it glimmered and began its descend from the mountain top. Oh it was glorious.
The mountains are great, but the buzz of the city is evenly mesmerizing. The streets of bellavista are full all the time. It does not matter whether it’s a Monday night or a Saturday night, the streets are equally alive! The busy roads are ideal for night photography. Me and my friend spent hours using the night light to our advantage.
Last week my host family invited me to celebrate my host dad and sisters birthday in Valparaíso. Valpo is strikingly different from the buzz of Santiago. A mere two hour bus drive away from Santiago, you will reach the color struck streets of Valpo. Valpo is known for this tranquility. The houses sit on hills, and look out into the cold waters of Viña del Mar. The streets and houses are covered with art. I even found a garbage truck that was coated in art works! In Valpo, you will also find street dogs that are the most adorable things ever. Thanks to my host dad, I got a personalized tour of these streets Sunday morning. If it wasn’t for him, I would probably be very lost. Wow! What a city. What a life.

Sheron Mathew
<p>Hi! I am an observant incandescent light bulb. I may seem dim idle, but I am constantly taking everything in. At times I flare up from the stimulus I receive from my surrounding environment. I try to capture these unique moments through the sharp opening and closing of my camera's shutter by a mere click of a button. I use these captured images to give meaning to that moment and connect it to me, life, our world and the things and people that fill it. Won't you join me in putting this world into perspective?</p>