So how does one pack for a four month trip? Where do I start, and what do I take? These were all questions running in my head as I took out my suitcases this week. First I threw all of my clothes in there along with my cameras. Then I got yelled at by my mom for not folding the clothes. So I had to repack.
When I asked my friends for advice about studying abroad, they told me never to over pack. Oops, I think I may have. Guess I will just have to leave behind a few things in Santiago, because I hope to buy lots of souvenirs.
Though I look forward to be learning more about Chile, its people, the healthcare system, I am also kind of nervous. Nervous about having to leave home to a novel country with a different language, traditions, and essentially way of life. But nevertheless, the thought of being able to hike part of the Patagonia seems to diminish these nervous thoughts! I am also very excited to meet my host family as I live with them and learn from them. I have already been able to get in touch with my host Mom via email. Though I had to use Spanish dictionary to check some of the spelling, it felt great to be communicating in Spanish! She seems very nice and I am looking forward to seeing rest of the family.
I also have mixed feelings about taking courses at the local university. Though it’s very exciting to look forward to, I am not sure what to expect. How will the teaching style differ? Will I be able to keep up? How will the student demonstrations affect my ability to take courses there?
However, as of now I am good. I think I have everything packed, the cameras, shoes, tevas, clothes, a giant box of granola bars (my dad insisted), like four sweaters, and even a twin pack of mosquito spray! Yesterday I even had the opportunity to go to my local store, Spartan Photo Center, and get the amazing staff to sponsor me with a few rolls of black and white film! I am very eager to use these rolls to document my travels, the food, and the street life of Santiago. Now it’s just a matter of waiting until Saturday night to start this adventure! Let’s just hope that there won’t be any flights delays or cancelations….I have been unlucky every other time I’ve flown in the past (literally).

Sheron Mathew
<p>Hi! I am an observant incandescent light bulb. I may seem dim idle, but I am constantly taking everything in. At times I flare up from the stimulus I receive from my surrounding environment. I try to capture these unique moments through the sharp opening and closing of my camera's shutter by a mere click of a button. I use these captured images to give meaning to that moment and connect it to me, life, our world and the things and people that fill it. Won't you join me in putting this world into perspective?</p>