WOW. Just like that we FLEW through THREE months. Time, she is a weird thing isn’t she? Now, if this was supposed to be a regular semester at College, I would be begging for it to fly by, and it would seem as if time could not be moving any slower. However, studying abroad has been anything but that. Time is moving so quickly and all I want to do is grab the remote and hit the pause button (at least the “slow dis down” button). There is so much to do that sometimes I don’t know what to choose. For example, three months into this trip and I still have not visited the museum of contemporary art.
Between classes, trying to get better at Spanish, spending time with friends, and the host family there isn’t a lot of time left during the week. I guess that’s why this is going to be the best semester of my undergraduate career. When time flies you have more too think back to and more to look forward too. When time seems to be a drag, that’s when you realize how boring life is getting. You need to be constantly ticking, to keep yourself occupied, keep your brain circulating. Now, you can do this one of two ways: a. Submerge yourself within only text books or b. submerge yourself not only with textbooks but also with your environment, taking in all it has to offer, by using both your visual and auditory senses.
Every time I bring up the fact that we are half way through the program, my friends get weary. Why? That means the reality that is Santiago is coming to an end, and we will shortly return to our realities back in the states. Que “lata” (boring). But we still have till December. So I will pick up here later.
This weekend I went to Cajon del Maipo with a few friends. We set up camp. Climbed rocks along a river. Watched the sun set (always a good idea). Gathered wood and I made a fire while the girls cooked dinner (rice and lentils). We sat around the fire and talked. We made friends with a few families camping across from us. The next day Langley and I talked to them once again. It was a really kool experience. We talked for over an hour about a variety of topics. I recognized the value of people that day. We humans can be rejecting, or we can be welcoming. The families we met represented the latter. This made all the difference in the world. We connected, and it was honestly very much a beautiful experience. Going from being complete strangers to people who you laugh with, and share opinions with, now that, that is what this world needs more off.
All of this resulted because I asked to borrow their cork screw.
This Friday we will be headed out to Chiloe (an island off the coast of Chile). This should be good. Stay tuned for the next blog.

Sheron Mathew
<p>Hi! I am an observant incandescent light bulb. I may seem dim idle, but I am constantly taking everything in. At times I flare up from the stimulus I receive from my surrounding environment. I try to capture these unique moments through the sharp opening and closing of my camera's shutter by a mere click of a button. I use these captured images to give meaning to that moment and connect it to me, life, our world and the things and people that fill it. Won't you join me in putting this world into perspective?</p>