A different scene. Chiloe
At the very end of last month, from September 30th to October 3rd to be exact, our crew hit up the small island of Chiloe floating (just kidding it’s not really floating) across from Chile. Though at first we were kind of bummed this was a chaperoned trip…..it ended up being great! The chaperons were super kool and chill to share this trip with. We stayed at really, really kool hostels. The first one was a hotel. I lied. BUT, all of the guys, we got our own special cabin split from rest of the hostel and the gals. It was a good time. I all talk about the second hostel in the next post. But a quick rundown of what we saw and did:
-Got to see one of the better sunsets I have yet to see in this life. It was great. I woke up and the bus was parking along a beach.
-Went to a sheep farm and saw….well, lots of sheep…along with other small and fuzzy animals. Good day for sure!
-We had meat and potatoes for literally every meal…oh and flan for pretty much every dessert as well.
-Went on a hike at the national park of Chiloe, which to my pleasant surprise led us to literally the most magical beach I have ever seen in my ENTIRE lifetime.
-We also climbed on a boat, went around a few islands for penguin watching (unfortunately, I was disappointed, only saw a few penguins).
-Yea. It was a good time. Check out the photos below. A full length blog about this trip to come VERY soon…

Sheron Mathew
<p>Hi! I am an observant incandescent light bulb. I may seem dim idle, but I am constantly taking everything in. At times I flare up from the stimulus I receive from my surrounding environment. I try to capture these unique moments through the sharp opening and closing of my camera's shutter by a mere click of a button. I use these captured images to give meaning to that moment and connect it to me, life, our world and the things and people that fill it. Won't you join me in putting this world into perspective?</p>