There's Beauty All Around

Shannon Re
April 23, 2017

I don’t think I’m revealing a big secret when I say that Italy is a beautiful country. The architecture in the cities is gorgeous, the countryside towns are quaint and picturesque, and the coast line is incredible. Italy’s beauty is well documented and well known.

Then why hadn’t I heard of the island of Ischia until I was here?

Turns out, Italy is so gorgeous that some of the best places get overshadowed by the places everyone knows about. Which isn’t anyone’s fault, there’s just so much to see and do in Italy and it’s impossible to give every place the attention it deserves. So I’m going to tell you about one of the gems I discovered with my roommates, the island of Ischia.

Ischia is actually pretty easy to get to, just a ferry ride away from Naples. The ferry takes about an hour direct or an hour and a half with a stop at another island. You can buy tickets in advance or at the port in Naples and there are a lot of ferries that go to Ischia.

Ischia in itself is a gorgeous island. Known for its natural hot springs, the island attracts many visitors. There are spas and tourist places where you have to pay to get in, or a google search will tell you where to find the free ones. You’ll have to pay for a taxi or bus ticket to get you there, but it will be worth it. There’s also a lot of beach area to sit and enjoy the Gulf of Naples from. No matter where on the island you go, there is water to enjoy and sun to soak in.

My roommates and I visited the hot springs near Sant’Angelo, a fishing village in Ischia. We got to Sant’Angelo by bus and then took a taxi to one of the hot springs that were filled with both tourists and locals. We had to climb down some large steps to get to sea level, but it was worth it. Once we climbed over some rocks to the water and got settled, we just relaxed. The water can be scalding hot at times at cold at others, but it’s relaxing and feels amazing. The thermal springs are caused by the volcanic action underneath the island and it flows into the gulf water, causing the changing temperatures. Just sit in the water, relax, and enjoy the natural springs. And the views. Enjoy the gorgeous views that Ischia has to offer because it doesn’t seem like there is ever a bad one.

We spent a few hours at the springs and then dried off before heading back to Naples. My skin felt softer afterwards and I was definitely relaxed. The springs and island of Ischia were just incredible. Getting to walk around and see the views, the gorgeous architecture, and the gulf.

You could stay for longer, but a day trip to Ischia to enjoy the springs and the views is also enough and something I would definitely recommend. There’s beauty all around Italy, but the islands are definitely a sight to see.

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Shannon Re

<p>I am a junior tourism and hospitality management major at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. I have a passion for exploring and dreaming, which lead me to study abroad! You can probably find me with my nose in a book or cup of coffee, daydreaming about my next adventure or wishing I was in the woods. Or truthfully, wondering how the New York Rangers are doing back home. Studying abroad in Rome has been a dream of mine for years and I cannot wait to share the adventure!</p>

2017 Spring
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