Out With The Old, and in With The New

Sarah Miyahara
August 23, 2016

After an exploded hard drive killed my old computer and deleted all my old files, I can finally restart this post to announce that I’m officially on my way to Morocco!

Since receiving my acceptance into the program nearly 6 months ago, I’ve gone through various stages of excitement, anxiety, enthusiasm, anticipation, and sheer fear. Excitement and enthusiasm for the new culture, travel, and unmatched experiences that await (ie riding camels in the Sahara aka lifelong dream). But on the other hand, I’m not sure I can even begin to imagine how vastly different Moroccan culture will be compared to what I’m used to back in the US. How well will I manage being in Africa for 4 months? I go to school 2,000 miles away from my hometown, but that commute is only slightly different from the 8-hour time difference from California to Morocco.  How different will it be to go from California (where no one cares one way or the other if you’re wearing shoes or a shirt) to an Islamic country where conservative dress is highly valued?

One thing that has helped get me through a lot of struggling and self-doubt is photography. It’s always been a therapeutic source for me, so I can’t wait to continue this photography blog as well as continue to post on my new travel Instagram: @moroccanaround!


Goodbye California…


…and hello Morocco!

(RIP Lenovo Yoga 2 laptop^^)

(maps and polaroid photos courtesy of my grandparents who lived in Tangier, Morocco 50 years ago!)


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Sarah Miyahara

<p>Hello! I&#39;m Sarah Miyahara; originally Southern born, California raised, Chicago educated, and now Morocco living! Taking a break from life at Loyola University Chicago where I study International Studies, Political Science, and Peace Studies, to spend my first semester of my junior year abroad. I&#39;ve always loved photography, particularly because it&#39;s the only art I&#39;ve ever been good at, and now I can&#39;t wait to share my photos with you!</p>

2016 Fall
Home University:
Loyola University Chicago
International Studies
Political Science
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