I’ve arrived in Tokyo and after two weeks of orientation. I’m ready to start classes next week! Amazingly, I haven’t gotten lost yet.
One of the best things I did during orientation was the Tokyo tour organized by IES Abroad. All of the students plus our E-pals (Japanese college students from Kanda University that we’re paired with) went together to explore the city we now call home.
The trip started in Ueno Park, a huge public park that has a famous zoo, museum, shrines, etc.

We stopped by Ueno Toushou-gu, a beautiful shrine in Ueno Park.

We stopped by the Ameyoko Street Market, which has delicious street food like crepes, bobba tea, kebabs,etc. There are also many small restaurants and stores that sell a wide range of souvenirs from cosmetics to keychains to kimonos.

After exploring Ueno, the group took a train to head towards Tokyo Tower!

When walking to the tower, it's inevitable that you’ll find Zozoji Temple. The juxtaposal shot of the temple with Tokyo tower is popular among photographers.

Tokyo Tower itself is over 1000 feet tall and is the second tallest structure in Japan! Visitors can go to the observation deck and take in the incredible views! On a clear enough day, you can sometimes see Mt. Fuji.

This tour was a great introduction to Tokyo, and I can’t wait to explore more!

Sara Macconnell
<p>Hi! My name is Sara MacConnell and I'm studying abroad in Tokyo in Fall 2018. I've been taking Japanese classes since I was a freshman in high school, so I'm very excited to spend a whole semester getting to put my language skills to use! I'm a rising senior at the University of Puget Sound where I study Japanese and Business Administration. On campus, I'm involved in greek life, I'm the publicity chair for Students Against Sexual Assault, I do costume design for the theater department, and I work in my school's study abroad office. My favorite things to do are photography, hiking, cooking, trying new restaurants, and watching Netflix with my friends.</p>