Me Casually in Paris

Sabrina Kennelly
January 17, 2015

   The weekend has begun here in Paris, and that means it’s time for sightseeing! The last five days in Paris have been different than any of my other visits here in France. Unlike my other two times in the city of lights, I haven’t been shuffled around from one monument to another every day. It’s an odd phenomenon not seeing Paris “through the eyes of a tourist”. And I know this concept sounds presumptuous because I haven’t even been here for a week yet. This time around, I can casually stroll around the city with my friends and gaze at the monument, alleys, and people. I don’t have to be whisked in every direction only being left with a haze of what happened. In the past week I have learned many lessons (both beneficial and unfortunate ones).

1) When it comes to your cell phone: TURN OFF THE DATA. I had originally with my other card turned off the data. When my new French card was put into my cell phone this week I assumed that my settings wouldn’t change. This wasn’t the case, and last night (after three nights with my new number) I was shocked to see that I only had two euros left. TWO.

2) Pass-Navigo: I got a month pass for the metro. First of all I realize that I am a cheapskate. I know that, and am proud of it. I have a budget and I’m trying to stick to it as best as possible. The pass for the metro cost 70 euros. Now I realize that for other large cities this is considered a deal for metro transit. But for me, this came to a shock. I’m trying out my pass navigo this month so that I don’t feel limited as to seeing the tourist destinations. Hopefully though, with the weather warming up (and my new internship that I’ll have-fingers crossed!) I can just walk. Because after all- that’s what the Parisians do, right?

3) Debit Card: My card has been acting funky. I had the intentions of using it a lot, but I don’t think that will be the case. Many of the stores (primarily discount stores or small boulangeries) that I have been going to only accept money rather than cards. I think this will prove though to be more helpful since I’m use to paying with cash, and I love discounts. I will do anything for a good discount. Especially if it involves yummy French food.

    So as you can see, there have been a few bumps on the road. But that’s life, right? I have to put things in perspective to. This is my first week, and this is going to be the most difficult month of transition. I’m halfway through the hump (according to my program officials) for adapting into the environment and culture. I’m very excited and nervous for this coming week. My first interview ever IN FRENCH will be on Tuesday. If all things go well (Fingers crossed) I will be an intern next week for a start-up here in Paris. Any interview is nerve-racking, but one in a different language than usual and in a different country is even more daunting. Of course, I’ll keep everyone updated on what happens (and hopefully it’s for the better than for the worst). The next two days (and last night) I’ve had some free time, so a group of us have been going around Paris looking at different sights and taking in the culture. I love how we can just casually go to monuments whenever we want as if it’s no big deal. It just baffles me and reminds me that I’m actually living in Paris. Finally, next week my group and I at IES are headed towards the South of France. I have never been to this region of France before and am excited for all the adventures that await us there. I’ll leave you all with a few pictures from my adventures so far in France. Until next time, Sabrina

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Sabrina Kennelly

<div>&nbsp; &nbsp;My name is Sabrina Kennelly. Currently, I am majoring in French and Communication Studies with a certificate in International Journalism. My interests include journalism, learning foreign languages, communication studies, social media, photography, and of course traveling!&nbsp;</div>

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