I was such a fan of Italy that I had to go back and visit a second time. For this trip to Italy, the destination was: Venice! Venice has always been on my bucket list, and due to global warming, I was eager to see the city before any effects due to rising sea levels. The trip was only three days, but we managed to see so much of the city. I was very fortunate to have a friend who studied abroad in Venice, and she was able to give me so many great recommendations of things to do and see. To see the whole city you would definitely need more than just three days, but in my experience, it is possible to walk the city, fit in many tourist attractions, and visit three museums all in a short amount of time. It rained while we were there, but we were still about to make the best of it. The pictures below outline just 10 of the many wonderful things I go to do and see in this small and walkable city. Taking the water taxi to different parts of the city is a great way to get in a boat ride and the sights! Amsterdam’s own canal system was inspired by Venice’s intricate system and the gondola ride was like out of a movie! Venice is a very different place from Como and Milan and it’s been very interesting to observe the similarities and differences between the various places in Italy. Italy is one of my favorite countries I have EVER visited and I would love to go back and see all of the parts of the city that we didn’t get a chance to visit.
Please enjoy the photos below with their descriptions and my favorite things we did there.
1. The gorgeous churches!

2. La Libreria Acqua Alta

3. San Marco Square

4. Getting Around Venice!

5. Campo San Margherita, Pizza al Volo

6. Gondola Ride

7. Hidden Banksy

8. To Go Pasta
9. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Rachel Alliker
Hi! My name is Rachel Alliker and I am a Junior Psychology major and Spanish and Honors Forum double minor at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY! I am from Greenwich, CT and I’m excited to be studying abroad in Amsterdam with IES (Spring 2023). At Skidmore, I am one of the head tour guides, a Writing Center tutor, a sustainability office volunteer. I’m also a part of the Positive Psychology Lab and Co-Vice President of the Honors Forum. Outside of academics, I love to bake, read, spend time with my friends and my dogs.