This weekend I travelled down to Jervis Bay with my roommates and the girls across the hall. We had been trying to make this journey for a few weeks now but for numerous different reasons, the plan never stuck. Until this past weekend. And I’m so glad it finally did this weekend.
As I’ve mentioned before, my arrival to Sydney wasn’t just accompanied by my carry-on and backpack. It was also accompanied by rain, a lot of it. My friends kept telling me the month of March had broken a handful of rain records for Sydney and a quick Google search yielded “The wettest, gloomiest March in history” for Sydney. Yeah, I’d agree with wettest because I honestly cannot recall the last day in Sydney it did not rain. But I would adamantly argue against gloomiest. The rain has opened up opportunities that constant sunny days would not have. But I digress
The sun finally came out this weekend! And I am so glad it did for this weekend because we ventured to the nicest beach I have ever visited in my life. While staying in Jervis Bay, we spent our weekend at Hyams Beach, proclaimed as having the whitest sand beaches in the world. The whole world. This guy from Parker, Texas, a town of just over 3,000 people, was able to visit the whitest sand beach in the world 8,654 miles away. That’s crazy and I love it. Words don't do it justice, you gotta see for yourself.
So not only did I get to enjoy sand whiter than my shockingly pale thighs and not only did I swim in the crystal clear water, but I also enjoyed the Kiama Blowhole. When we walked up to the blowhole, we saw a crowd intently staring at this empty space in the rocks. Then all of a sudden water shot straight up 20-30 feet into the air. The best part was as soon as the water reached its apex and fell back to the rocks, a full rainbow appeared before slowly dissipating after the water found its way back to the ocean. The best part of the blowhole, however, was Adam and I venturing to the end of the cliffs. Three guys on a trip with eight girls can be a bit overwhelming and we just needed some guy time. So we climbed to the end of the cliffs (saw a monk performing a photo shoot for his other monk friend – irrelevant but I had to mention it) and just embraced the immensity of the ocean and view. We also just deep-talked about life and talked about our goals, which was probably one of my favorite parts of the weekend.
Anyways, we got back last night after a less-than-stellar return trip; but that’s another story and nonetheless, we returned after a great trip. I don’t think I’ll have the chance to return to Jervis Bay; but given the opportunity, I would head back down south to Hyams Beach in a heartbeat.

Noah Beam
<p>Well hello there. Welcome to “From Noah to Man” – I’m Noah. This blog is about my incredible journey to Sydney, Australia. Not only is this blog being sent [from] me, [Noah], [to] y’all [man]kind; but also this blog highlights my development of character as I seek to grow [from] who I am now [Noah], [to] who I want to be when I return to TCU, a [man] with an identity.</p>