How Does it Feel to be Home?

Micah Castle
July 21, 2014

How does it feel to be home? That most certainly is the question of the week! And to be honest, I’m not entirely sure yet. Although I finished my program at the end of June, I only just got back to the States because  my sister, cousin and I traveled around Italy and Paris for a couple of weeks. I feel like being home (since I’ve just gotten here) is just another extended vacation. I’ve unpacked, yes, but I know in the back of my mind I’m going to have to move back to school, which means moving my clothes and things once more! I also have started back doing school work, which makes me feel like my summer wasn’t too long at all (or really nonexistent). So how does it feel to be home? I’m sure it’ll hit me once I get really back in the swing of things.

How was your semester abroad? Hmm the next question I hear often! Well to be honest, it was a year abroad! I was in Spain the semester before with a different program, and the year abroad was absolutely amazing. A really wonderful experience that I doubt I’ll ever be able to experience again. I mean, when could I possibly have the opportunity to travel around Europe every weekend and get school credit for it? I met so many cool people (luckily for me, some of them are at my university!), saw so many amazing places, and learned not one, but two languages! Not many people get the chance to say that.

I guess overall, although it’s been nice to see my family and have my car back, I am still waiting to see how I react to being home. It’s been more unreal than my extraordinary year abroad! Meanwhile, I’ll just enjoy my photos and pretend that I am still there! 

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Micah Castle

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Micah Castle, and I am from Decatur, Georgia. I study Spanish and German at Emory University in Atlanta, and I hope to become a foreign language teacher after I graduate. The two things I love most are working with kids and traveling. I am currently studying Spanish in Salamanca, Spain, and I&#39;m looking forward to being abroad next semester as well, working on my German in Freiburg, Germany.</span></p>

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Emory University
German Language
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