A few weekends ago I spent a few days in one of my favorite places in the whole world. Granted, I have only been to a small fraction of the wondrous places this world has to offer, but I stand pretty confident on the hunch that Paris is my soul city. From the history to the food, Paris encourages the life of the flaneur, of walking à pied, of seeing everything around you but also recognizing yourself as a part of the whole. It has the power to pull me out of a funk I didn’t know I was in, and find new perspectives and sources of inspiration for every aspect of life. To sum up, j’adore.
My first time in Paris was with my family nearly 10 years ago (when did I get old?), and I loved it so much that my sister and I have made a point of going back every few years– or whenever time would allow. Well, somehow time has gotten away from us, and the last time we went was when I graduated from high school. Thus, its safe to say that I booked my plane ticket to Paris nearly as quickly as I booked my ticket to Milan.
Why didn’t I study abroad in Paris? Simple. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and I knew my true love would always be there waiting for me. In the meantime, I wanted to take advantage of these 5 months I had allotted to discover a new city, a new culture, and maybe learn a thing or two in Italian. Dovè il bagno? (Where is the bathroom?)

My ah-mazing brunch from this all-day breakfast spot called Twinkies on Rue Saint Denis.

Vintage issues of Elle Magazine sold by the Seine
Two of my roommates and travel buddies. Aren’t they adorbs?
A gorgeous window display on Rue Saint Honoré
Some color inspiration. Love the teal and foliage green.
Atop le Tour Eiffel. What a view.
In a few words, the weekend was absolutely beautiful, and was really a huge tease. A full week is never enough time to spend in Paris, so a weekend was gone in the blink of an eye. Alors, j’espère que nous nous réunissons de nouveau bientôt (I hope that we meet again soon).

Meredith Wadsworth
<p>My name is Meredith, and I am a 3rd year Media Studies major from UVA. I love bananas, yoga, and traveling the world. I am also a fashion blogger and pursuing a career in fashion, so I hope to record how my experiences in Milan, one of the fashion capitals of the world, shapes my future! </p>