So this is my first blog ever. Welcome, I think? If you don’t know me, my name is Melanie Garza. I was raised in Monterrey, Mexico but have lived in Texas for a long time now. I moved to the U.S. in pursuit of what people call the “American Dream” after my family lost our business and our dad as a result of corruption, violence, and a fundamentally broken Mexican economy.
When I started school in the U.S. I was finally able to focus on my studies instead of survival. This is when I considered for the first time that there could be more to my future than being a low-income, uneducated housewife. I decided to focus on school which allowed me to go to college and open up a world of opportunities. When I started planning my college experience I had two goals: go to college out-of-state, and study abroad. Check, and check.
Both of my goals revolved around one major theme: I wanted to experience and see new things and people. I have only ever been to Mexico and the U.S. and that's only because I’ve lived there. I’ve never really traveled, but that’s always been a dream of mine, so I am VERY EXCITED I finally get to do it. I never imagined I’d be here. It’s still a bit surreal.
I should probably talk a bit about where I am currently in life as I prepare to go to Madrid. I’m going into my senior year of my Bachelor's degree in Physics. I am planning to pursue a doctorate degree so I’m not quite done yet but it’s still a big milestone. Since senior year of high school, so nearly four years, I’ve been in love with the same guy, except less than a month ago he decided to break things off and go our separate ways.
Basically, what should be the most exciting time of my life thus far (about to finish my degree, seeing other parts of the world for the first time) has turned into the most heartbroken time of my life. I originally was looking forward to experiencing Madrid through a purely cultural and gastronomical lens, but now there is a sense of spiritual journey attached. I recently visited my brother in Monterrey and we went to some cabins. That trip alone was so healing and beautiful—I can only imagine what Madrid will be like!
I’m not entirely sure what I’m looking for, and I’ve probably given wayyyy too much personal information, but I want to be as genuine and open as possible. The only thing I do know is that I am going to be 100% open to any and all experiences Madrid has to offer—within a reasonable level of safety—and I just hope the city treats me better than the past month has. I know it will. I'm keeping a positive and optimistic attitude.
With all that said, hopefully you have a better idea of who I am. Oh, forgot to mention: I’m going to Madrid with one of my best friends! This should also help make my time there much more enjoyable. Anyways, I will keep you updated on how my first time overseas goes. Talk soon!

Melanie Garza
<p>Hi, I’m Melanie! I’m a senior at Carnegie Mellon University, majoring in Physics. After graduation, I plan on attending graduate school in pursuit of a Ph.D. in Physics. While I love STEM, I also love the arts! I’m part of an a cappella group, I’m in my school’s non-major orchestra as a violinist, I like to draw and paint, and I’ve dabbled in some dance too. It’s important for me to keep a balance between all my interests, which also include working out (at the gym only - I am NOT athletic, unfortunately) and outdoor activities that don’t involve swimming since that’s something I can’t do. I know, shame. I’m really looking forward to exploring all my hobbies and interests in the context of a new culture. I am fluent in Spanish since I was raised in Mexico so Spain will be full of possibilities!</p>