While it was snowing nearly eight inches back home in Wisconsin, I was lucky enough to spend my Easter weekend in sunny, beautiful Rome. I was there for four days, and got to spend them with one of my best friends from high school who is currently studying abroad there. I was a bit worried about the city being busy to the point of insanity during Easter, but I can honestly say that it wasn’t that bad. With a bit of planning and a bit of patience, Easter in Rome was a breeze.

On Friday we saw the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and the sight of Julius Caesar’s death.

In the evening we also witnessed the Pope doing the Stations of the Cross for Good Friday. Although it was all in Italian, it was such an amazing experience, especially since I was raised Christian.

Then on Saturday, we relaxed, went for gelato, ate some amazing pizza, and walked around the city.

Sunday we queued up very early to see the inside of the Coliseum (for free as it was the first Sunday of the month!), walked through the Roman Forum, toured St. Peter’s Basilica, and also ate waaay too much gelato.

Finally, on Easter Monday we visited the Campo di’ Fiori food market, saw the Roman skyline for the top of the Altare della Patria (also known as the white wedding cake building), and visited the Villa Borghese public gardens. I will remember this trip for the rest of my life, and although I couldn’t spend Easter with my family, this is was a pretty good alternative.

Megan Wilson
<p>I was born in Melbourne, Australia and moved to the United States eight months later, and I've loved to travel every since. My favorite way to document my travels is through something called a bullet journal, which is like a combination of an agenda, a journal, and a scrapbook.</p>