And so, my time abroad in London has come to an end. I felt many feelings wrapping up the semester. First of all, I have really come to view London as my new home. Speaking as someone who has never really felt connected to the city I go to school in usually, Washington DC, being in a city that felt so right was an incredible experience. When in London I felt like I belonged there, like I was just another Londoner.
Of course, that was fleeting, which is hard to grapple with. I’m not back in the States, I’m traveling the rest of Europe with my partner, but I miss London so much. I know I want to live there again someday, but it is hard to reckon with the fact that it might not happen. Still, my time in London taught me valuable things about myself that I can take with me elsewhere.
First of all, I know I need to be somewhere with flourishing arts and culture. Being able to take challenging dance classes, seeing boatloads of theatre, and frequenting art museums really made my London experience the treasure that it was. The arts of London make it a truly unique and vibrant city that feels like a perfect spot to be an artist.
Next, I know I want the city to be big. I loved all of the different facets there are to London. The expansive neighborhoods make it feel like you can never truly explore all of it. I also loved taking the tube to work and school every day, it made me feel like I was part of a collective. While Londoners won't talk to you on the tube, you are still a part of something bigger than yourself traveling with hundreds of other people every day.
Lastly, London just has a sort of indescribable gut feeling for me that I hope to be able to find somewhere else. I just felt at peace in this city, happier than I’ve ever been, and feeling more like myself than ever. I truly hope to come back to London for even longer someday, but at least now I know what that feeling is like.
Going back home will be hard, I can’t lie. However, I do miss my family. I miss my dog and my mom and my dad and my siblings and I am so excited to see them. Also, I have a ton of fun and exciting things planned upon my return, such as a cool internship and summer job, and getting to see my friends.
What I’ve landed on is that the small heartbreak of leaving is evidence that my time in London was meant to be. While I may have a London-sized hole in my heart for a bit, that hole can be filled with the memories of all that I experienced.
In the end, I would tell everyone to study abroad. The insular nature of America is bigger than one might think, and seeing other cultures allows you to see firsthand just how vast the world is. Plus, you might just find yourself liking one of those cultures even better.

Megan Kempton
My name is Megan Kempton and I am a junior at American University studying Musical Theatre and Communication studies. I'm going to London to study and to embark on an internship. In my free time I like writing, reading, puzzles, and making music!