There are truly not enough words to describe what it is like to finally be in Sydney. From the gorgeous weather, the incredible landmarks, and the amazing people I have met so far, I could not be any more thankful for having the opportunity to experience this adventure. This week has been filled with memories that I will never forget.
Landing in Sydney seemed almost unreal. I imagined the trek to the continent of Australia would be quite tiresome, but it was exactly the opposite. Flying in with two of my friends from my home institution defintely made the time go fast. Stepping outside and transitioning from the 20 degree weather at home to the 80 degree weather in Sydney, was not something I was about to complain about.
In just 7 days I have explored 3 beaches (Bondi, Coogee, and Manly), visited the Sydney Opera House, hiked the Blue Mountains, and even got up close and personal with a few kangaroos, koalas, and wallabies. I can't tell you how many times i've had to stop and take a moment for my brain to capture and collect all of these wonderful images.
(Coogee Baths)
(Blue Mountains)
(Featherdale Wildlife Park)
There are things that i'm still getting used to here in Australia, however. Driving on the left side of the road and having the driver be on the right side of the car / bus, is still something that I need to accept. Here in Australia, you look to your right when you cross the streets. When you walk on the sidewalks, it is important to keep to the left, no matter how hard your American instincts tell you to keep right. Everyday is practice, and one day I will master these simple rules.
With uni (Australians call college and abbreviate university to "uni") finally starting tomorrow, I can comfortably say that I am ready to start classes after being on a 2 1/2 month vacation. I have been through many orientations that have discussed how different education is viewed here as compared to the United States. I am very excited to experience this change and gain a new perspective.
In the upcoming weeks, I hope to try more food in Australia (all of which have been execptional so far), explore more of my university, and take more trips to the hidden parts of the city of Sydney itself. After everything I have been through so far, I am always expecting the unexpected and can't wait to see where my travels will take me. See you next time!

Marlowe Padilla
<p>Hi everyone! My name is Marlowe Padilla, and I am a Junior Cinema & Photography Major with minors in Art, Integrated Marketing Communications, and Writing from Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY. When i'm not in class, you can find me exploring nature through various hiking trails, editing numerous amounts of photographs, or enjoying my coffee after my daily runs. While in Sydney, I am hoping to build connections and find a home within the people and places that surround me. With the start of this new adventure in my life, I am excited to see all the incredible opportunities that Sydney will have to offer. </p>