My Last 24 Hours In Amsterdam

Grace Keller
June 10, 2018

During my last 24 hours in Amsterdam, the excitement of going home was quickly overshadowed by the fact that I would no longer be living in the beautiful city I grew so fond of over the past four months. Saying goodbye to my friends was incredibly difficult. I had grown accustomed to living in close prioximity to my friends in Amsterdam and would miss our spontaneous adventures together. As I rode my bike to the Red Light District one last time to grab one last stroop waffle, I reflected on my bike trips throughout the semester and how much I would miss Amsterdam's bike friendly landscape. My bike itself, which now had a broken bell and a squeaky back wheel, was put back on its rack and locked up for the last time with an incredibly heavy heart. My last night in Amsterdam was primarily spent trying to pack all of my belongings into two suitcases and a backpack. Going through all of my belonging and finding a place for all of the souvenirs I had collected over the past four months filled my heart with joy and nostalgia. Although nothing can replace my lived experiences, the various items I collected along the way will be cherished in their memories. Looking out my bedroom window for the last time was by far the most difficult part of leaving Amsterdam. Each morning I would look out my large window overlooking Amsterdam and I would be quickly reminded of how blessed I was to be studying abroad. My bedroom window was a place of reflection and clarity within my hectic lifestyle in Amsterdam. I hope whoever is fortunate enough to move into my room after me is able to find the same amount of pleasure in its view as I did. 

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Grace Keller

<p>Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, I've spent my entire life in an environment heavily connected to the entertainment industry. As a student at Cornell University studying the connections between visual perception and media communication and design, I strive to be able to understand and implement effective design in media management. Fashion, art, architecture, music, food, and people are among the many subjects I hope to capture during my travels</p>

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Cornell University
Los Angeles, CA
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