It's hard to come back from study abroad. I'm not going to lie to you. You're excited to see you family and friends: yes, you're excited to sleep in your own bed: yes, but you're also going to miss everything you're leaving behind from your study abroad. You're going to miss you host family, the friends you made, and traveling independently. However, the memories that you made while abroad are ways to reflect upon your experience and give you hundreds of reasons to go back!
Here are some of my favorite memories from my time abroad:

Hiking for fondu in Geneva, Switzerland.

Walking up hundreds of steps in a small, winding tower to see this beautiful view of Geneva.

Exploring medieval castle ruins in Clisson.

Touring London in 36 hours.

Visiting the Cliffs Moher in Ireland.

Living the rich and famous life in Monte Carlo.

IES Abroad theater production.

Exploring Paris with my host sister.

Picnicking on the island Noirmoitier.

Warming up with some vin chaud in Prague.

IES Abroad Thanksgiving dinner.

Maria Presper
<p style="margin-bottom:12.0pt">I'm a second year student at Loyola University Chicago studying French and Pre-Medicine. I love to read, travel, and draw in my free time.</p>