Well, my time galavanting abroad has finally come to an end. Today I head home, making the long trek back to California from the Dublin airport. It’s a very bittersweet time for sure, like most things I’ve been experiencing lately.
Saying goodbye to my internship hosts was sad, but also exciting because I left knowing that my time there was absolutely well-spent. My boss expressed her thanks, I expressed mine, and I promised to be in touch, especially if I am ever back in Dublin in the future. I also got to get hugs goodbye from a bunch of the members of Befrienders which filled my heart all the way to the top. I am so thankful to have had that opportunity for a few months and will no doubt use that experience to fuel my future endeavors.
I spent my last day in Dublin squeezing in one last gorgeous cliff walk from Bray to Greystones, followed by a final dinner with some wonderful new friends this Summer adventure has gifted me. I’ve met some truly cool people, not only originating in the country itself, but among my American peers. It is a unique bond to have with someone when you get to take in all the “new” together.
I will miss the constant exposure to unique things I have not yet before come across, beautiful new places, and the specific Irish charm, but I am looking forward to heading back to the States for my next adventure. I know I’ll have to take some time when I get back to my American routine to marinate on what I gained from this incredible and irreplaceable experience, so I will let you know when that all sinks in.
But for the time being, all I can express is gratitude for every single day of my time abroad. The travel bug in me has been awakened and for the time being is satisfied, but I know I will be back for more exploring. I adore the country of Ireland and its beautiful coasts and quirky people. No matter where I was or what I was doing, I was learning and expanding as an individual. Though I most definitely have more traveling to do in my lifetime, because of this experience, I feel just a little bit more a part of the global community.
So on to the new adventure, I truly would not have wanted to start off my post graduate life any other way!

Lilly Nelson
<p><span style="font-size:11.0pt"><span style="font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif"><span style="color:#212121">Welcome to an inside look at my adventures abroad this Summer! I'm originally from the California Bay Area, and recently graduated as a student-athlete from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. Here's to a two-month adventure in Dublin! </span></span></span></p>