Instead of one week full of finals, my finals were split up into two weeks: last week and this week. Last week I had my more stressful exams (theater performance, art history oral at the University of Nantes, and French final), so this weekend my friend Marie and I took advantage of our last free days here and decided to go out for a seafood dinner at Trentmoult, Rezé (a town - and former fishing village - across the Loire, south of Nantes).
Theater!!: Even though rehearsals these past months were pretty excrutiating and exhausting, I think we were all very pleased with how our performances turned out. We performed condensed versions of La Maison de Bernarda Alba (Fedrico Garcia Lorca), Huis Clos (Jean Paul Sartre), and Le Roi se Meurt (Ionesco). I played La Poncia in La Maison de Bernarda Alba and Inés Serrano in Huis Clo. The latter was the most exciting role for me. Most roles I've played in the past (as well as La Poncia), I tend to play the nice character, so it was fun to be a little more sadistic (oops).

Waiting in the cold isn't so bad when you've got a great companion and a front-row ticket to the sunset over the Loire river!
Here's a view from the Navibus that took us to Trentmoult, away from l'île de Nantes. I especially love those rings and their colors bouncing off the water:
Although we got to Trentmoult a little later than expected, we were still able to walk around for a bit and see some of the beautiful houses - before we got too frozen and devoured some delicious hot chocolates:
We decided on a cute Italian restaurant (Le Vaporeto). I decided on linguine seafood pasta (crevettes, scallops, mussels, squid, and calamari) and a caramel panna cotta. The pasta was great...panna cotta, not so much...but we had great service - this was a great end to a fantastic day.
This is it. It's Sunday night - the last Sunday night I will be spending here. I'm not going to lie - I am ready to move back to Oxford, spend Christmas with my family and friends, and then continue my studies in Wooster. I have so much to look forward to, but also a lot that I will undoubtedly look back on and appreciate after I leave.

Laura Schneider
<p>Bonjour! I'm Laura Schneider, a junior at the cozy College of Wooster, majoring in vocal performance and minoring in French. Apart from immersing myself in these two fields, I enjoy baking - while occasionally tweaking recipes, riding my bike, reading (especially outside), and playing (and watching) tennis. I lived in Bath, England with my parents my sophomore year of high school, and am so thrilled to be abroad on my own this time! After college, I am hoping to further my studies in performance somewhere in Chicago!</p>