Classes, Sightseeing, and Wandering: My First Weeks in London

Kaylin Marques
September 29, 2014

When I landed in London on my first day, it suddenly hit me I was across the “pond” and that it was all about me being independent and self-sufficient from now on. Once I got my bags and took an hour long ride from Heathrow to Nido Kings Cross, I felt a bit better. I stepped out of the taxi, went inside and filled out some basic paperwork. Then, we were taken around the neighborhood to see the grocery store, Tesco’s, local pubs that people around the area went to, got our SIM cards for our phones, and bought some last minute necessities such as hangers, towels, and bed linens. Later that night, everyone was so exhausted from flying and moving around all day that we got a pint across the street from Honest Burgers (I highly suggest you go there) and then went straight to bed.

My first week itself was jam packed with orientation type programs, going on a bus tour and riding the London Eye, and just all around adjusting to the new chapter of my life here in London. Orientation helped with answering questions about safety, living in Nido, and class culture here in the United Kingdom. The bus tour was great. We were able to walk around as well, seeing places such as St. Paul’s Cathedral, South Bank, Buckingham Palace, and ended up at the London Eye. The London Eye itself…definitely worth it. I’ve been looking forward to going on it since forever and it lived up to its expectations. It was a bit cloudy that day but I still took some amazing photographs.

The second and third week here were a lot better. I finally got settled in my room and a routine for classes and met some new friends. Everyone here is so nice and wants to get the same thing out of studying abroad as you do. Never be afraid to tag along with people on a tour or ask someone if they want to get a pint; the answer will almost always be “yes!”, especially if trips include Borough Market, Regents Park, and afternoon tea!

About class culture here: never be late. Always be at least 10 minutes early. It looks better from the professor’s eyes and if you’re late to class, it really does affect your grade (it counts as an absence). Over here, taking notes by pen and paper are best. Teachers don’t really allow you to use laptops unless you have a note from your home school. Classes here are ones you picked so they’re very interesting. Also, the teachers are super friendly and always willing to help. I’ve learned a lot only in a couple weeks!

Below are some pictures from my first couple weeks. Click on them individually to enlarge them. Enjoy! Follow my personal blog, for more in detail postings about each week here in London and more photographs! :)


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Kaylin Marques

<div><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hi, my name is Kaylin Marques and I&#39;m a senior at The Barney School of Business at The University of Hartford in West Hartford, CT. I&#39;ve always had this feeling of never wanting to stay in one place and to venture off to see the world. I&#39;m getting my chance this upcoming fall to explore all of Europe while I&#39;m studying abroad in London, England. Even though people think I&#39;m going very late as a senior, I could not think of a more perfect time to go, other than to conclude my college career. My passion for writing, traveling, and photography will all come together and make this the best four months of my life, and I hope I get to share that with you!</span></div>

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