Wardrobe Complications

Kayla Petersen
November 12, 2015
Mt Cook

I think back to the time when I was packing up for my big trip and googling heaps of information on what to wear on an average day in New Zealand. At first I thought to myself… “How on earth am I going to put 5 months of outfits in one suitcase?!” I noticed many people had mentioned about rain, but I’m guessing that might have been during late summer or fall when the rain comes because Spring stayed pretty dry for the most part. I also never really understood what “temperate” meant until arriving. Little did I know that could mean 50 degrees F one day and 70 degrees F the next. Most days the weather is quite beautiful and it’s always nice to be outside when New Zealand offers some of the best scenery in the world! However, don’t get too excited because the Canterbury plains are quite flat, which makes the beach and city quite enjoyable to escape away to. 

If you are planning on doing a lot of tramping, the best way to prepare is by packing a lot of warm, sturdy, and quality rain gear. The plains don’t get a ton of rain but once you climb up the Port Hills, there is a high chance of being hit by some bad weather. A lot of Southerly winds also come up and make the tramp fairly cold. Making sure you have a sleeping bag liner along with you is key. A lot of your equipment might become a large part of your luggage and it is best to only pack things that are crucial to your trips. If you aren’t keen bringing your sleeping bag, a tent, a stove, or other equipment in your luggage, there is also the option of renting from the equipment truck on campus. There are small fees that go along with each piece that you rent but depending on your trip, you might not need certain items at different times. It may also help lessen your load in the long run. A great option for people that decide to spend most of their trip tramping is by joining Uni’s tramping club, which can make the trips much cheaper and even offer great deals on the gear. 
If you happen to be more of a city dweller and want to pack more for night outs or walks around the city during the day time, I would suggest warmer outfits and light sweaters. Even though Christchurch may never get extremely cold, it doesn’t get extremely warm either. The best is to pack for temperatures ranging between 40-80 degrees F during the semester. I found myself generally wearing jeans, a light sweater, and a long sleeve shirt underneath for classes. Another great quality about life on campus is that everyone dresses to their unique style. I found a great diversity of different tastes just walking to class. If you’re all for dressing in sweatpants to class, I say go for it but generally many Kiwis dress a little nicer for their studies and in town. 
Overall, it’s very typical to see fluctuations with the weather and the best way to prepare for that is by packing a variety of clothing to be ready for some cold days and some warm days. Try to stay away from only packing for a specific season because you’ll find yourself lacking necessary clothing when it comes to that time for the weather. Lastly, don’t sweat it if you end up needing to pick up a few things while you are out there. Clothes can be expensive in the malls but there are a lot of second hand clothing stores that offer clothes as low as 3NZD. Try to stay on the lighter side with your bags (your body will thank you after 2 days of traveling). No matter what, you’re going to have a blast in whatever outfit you have on! 

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Kayla Petersen

<p>I&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 13.0080003738403px; line-height: 1.538em;">am a sophomore at Miami University in Ohio. I major in nutrition and have a concentration in Dietetics. &quot;Home&quot; is&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 13.0080003738403px; line-height: 1.538em;">wherever I feel happy, and for that I find my home in many places. After undergrad I plan on taking part in a Dietetic&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 13.0080003738403px; line-height: 1.538em;">Intership that will last about a year and then take the RD exam to become a Registered Dietitian. I am apart of the&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 13.0080003738403px; line-height: 1.538em;">Miami tribe, and hope to give back and work with the tribe after I become a Registered Dietitian. I am hoping that my&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 13.0080003738403px; line-height: 1.538em;">experience in New Zealand will help lead me to better understand how culture plays a role in people&#39;s health and diet.</span><span style="font-size: 13.0080003738403px; line-height: 1.538em;">The Maori tribe plays a crucial role in being able to research and compare the different revitalization efforts from the&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 13.0080003738403px; line-height: 1.538em;">Miami tribe.</span></p>

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