
Katie Epner
September 22, 2014
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Okay, I have been pretty bad at keeping up with this blog, I’ll admit it. Though it’s no excuse, these last 4 weeks have been a blur; if I wasn’t studying German or editing pictures, I was out on my longboard exploring the city and meeting locals. Now, having just got back from 10 days of galavanting around Europe with my older sister, I’m ready to settle down and share my experiences.

So, going back a bit… when people ask me ‘how is Vienna?’, I always think of this picture. I snapped it on my way back from another IES student’s apartment, where we shared coffee and stories about our lives back home. Before that, we were moving along with the biggest open-air dance floor in Vienna; semi-trucks equipped with prodigious sound systems and electrified DJ’s and dancers were making their way around the Ringstrasse, shaking the buildings around us and making it impossible to just watch; I handed over my camera a handful of times to join in the festivities.

The parade was one of many events that weekend celebrating ‘Summer Break’, and it was a gratifying introduction to Vienna; here we were in the regarded City of Music, hearing and feeling several hundreds of thousands of watts of whomping bass bouncing off several hundred year-old buildings, all in support of youth culture. So, when I look at the picture of the canal boat scribed with ‘Wien’, passing the intricate graffiti work that was created legally in that designated area along the canal path, I think about how lucky I am to be in a city so forward-thinking and supportive of all the likes of the people inhabiting it.

I’ll leave this post here for tonight, but do expect many more exciting things I’ve gathered to share!


<3, K


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Katie Epner

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