Class is fun when the world (Paris) is your classroom. What I mean by this, is a lot of classes I’m taking have mini field trips around Paris during class time. These field trips include museums, different parts of Paris, or historical buildings.
Earlier this week, I started my day off with a trip to the Palais Royal (the building surrounding the cool stripe cylinders) with my art history class. I’m taking an art and architecture class so we got to learn about the building Palais Royal, and which sides are older and why. We also compared the building to things we saw the week before when we took a trip to the Marais. I found it to be very interesting because now when I see architecture in Paris I can make an educated guess about what time period it was created and what art influence there was. And don’t worry we learned that the stripe cylinders was also an art installation, and not just decoration. My class then continued on around the Palais Royal to see more of the surrounding area and then we went back to the actual classroom to analyze more pieces of art.
Later in the afternoon, I had my second and last class of the day, Art, Design & Fashion in France. For this class I was able take a tour of Opera Garnier. And funny story, when I entered the Opera Garner and started my audio guide I was looking at the grand staircase. While I’m looking at the staircase, I saw someone walking down it that looked very familiar and the more I stared the more I realized it was a girl I worked with this past summer! It was so funny running into her in a completely different country when we live in the same state back home. We caught up quickly and then I got back to my tour of the Opera Garnier. The Opera Garnier was so beautiful, everything was so extravagant and luxurious. I think my favorite room was the gold room, but who doesn’t love that room? We also had to take a tour of the Baskt exhibit, which we will learn more about in class the following so I’m excited to see how he related to and influenced the Opera.
Overall, I would say I had a great day with all of my field trips. Class is interesting when I get to see something we are talking about in person. It helps me understand the story and facts more. And I can’t wait for more field trips in the future, my luxury brand management is going to the Champagne region in March so more stories to come.

Katherine Seel
<p>Hi! My name is Katie, I am currently a junior at Penn State University majoring in Marketing and minoring in International Business. I love running, photography, cats and dogs, and exploring new places. This semester, I could not be more excited to study abroad in Paris. And I cannot wait to share all my experiences with you.</p>