The fun of traveling abroad is you are able to travel to other places too! I traveled to Florence with a group of people plus my best friend that I made on the plane to Italy! We rode on a train, my first train that I have rode on and it took about 2 hours to get there! The train system was cool because to think that is the main way people traveled in the past. It was so much fun seeing a different part of Italy. Florence was also so beautiful in the day and night time, they had such great food as well! We always had to get gelato and actually had it everyday during our trip! I also met a few other great friends on this trip. They were also studying abroad in Italy and we kept in contact! During our trip we had a very good individual pizza that we all ate ALL of because we were starving from all the activities and sightseeing we had done earlier that day! I would 100% recommend traveling with some friends because it makes the trips so much more fun! Plus it is a good way to get out of your comfort zone at times since people like different things!

Kaitlin Sonday
<p>My name is Kaitlin Sonday, I love traveling, animals, and being with family and friends. I love sharing my experiences through social media, such as on my Youtube channel and Instagram. Photos and videos are so important to me because I love to be able to look back and have all the feelings and memories vividly come back.</p>