The Dutch are not like the French; there is no really sort of delicacy here. The three things the Dutch are known for when it comes to food are: herring, French fries and pancakes. I have yet to try the herring, but the other two are delicious! I do have a special place in my heart for the Dutch pancake…
Early on, my friends and I found a pancake place online that we wanted to try. We expected it to be good, but we did not expect it to be life-changing.
There is a place right near school that boasts its standing as the smallest restaurant in Europe. They aren’t kidding. It is four tables with a total of about 15 chairs. The small restaurant employs two men: a server and a chef. The restaurant is located up a flight of the steepest stairs I have ever seen. But it is worth it.
The only thing on the menu is pancakes. These pancakes come in at least two dozen varieties. Sweet, like the delicious banana, chocolate sauce and cinnamon. Then there are the savory ones, like the hearty bacon and cheese. All of them are delicious in their own special ways. The thin pancake that is the size of a small pizza comes to the table and it seems as if it is Christmas. The first whiff of the pancake is the best smell in the world. It’s like the start of something new. Something new and delicious. As you take the first bite, you know the rest of your day is downhill from here.
The pancake house has become a ritual of sorts. We go there when we are happy. We go there when we are sad. Whenever anyone has a friend or family member in town, we use it as a chance to expose them to this wonderful place. This is, perhaps, what I will miss most about being abroad.

Julie Alderman
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I’m Julie Alderman, a junior at the George Washington University studying political communication, and I’m ready for the adventure of a lifetime in Amsterdam. I love strong coffee, good writing and all types of music (from opera to country). I hail from Manlius, New York, a small town outside of Syracuse and I am ready to live it up in Amsterdam and travel all around Europe!</span></p>