I’m currently in the third module of classes in a climate change course with a great group of classmates and a really engaging professor. Tom has been teaching us realistic, interesting perspectives concerning climate change, international policy, and information exchange to the public so far in the class. We were fortunate enough to take another 360° boat field trip around the entire island of San Cristóbal! There were multiple stops along the way including Kicker Rock (Leon Dormido), lava fields at Punta Puquna, Punta Pitt, and Bahía Rosa Blanca.
Kicker Rock is an enormous volcanic tuff just off the western shore of San Cristóbal. It is home to an abundance of sea bird species as well as marine life species. We snorkeled around the rock’s perimeter spotting all sorts of fish, sea turtles, and even a pair of hammerhead sharks. From there, we took a short boat ride over to an enormous lava field at Punta Puquna. There are two types of lava field formations: one that is extremely sharp and spiny (called “aa”) and another, which is relatively smooth resembling folded ropes (called “pahoehoe”). The difference between the ways in which the two types of lava fields are formed is concerned with each one’s drying and solidification processes. Fortunately, Punta Puquna’s lava field was pahoehoe. Next on the agenda was Punta Pitt, one of the only places in the Galápagos archipelago where you can find all three species of boobies. Incredibly, we were able to see all three—the Nazca Boobie, the Red-Footed Boobie, and of course the Blue-Footed Boobie.
Then, we looped around the northeast corner of the island and began heading down its eastern shore. Finally, we dropped by Bahía Rosa Blanca to wrap up the amazing day. It was by far one of the most pristine beaches that I have ever visited in the Galápagos and in my life. And to make things even cooler, there was a tide pool of about 30 to 40 White-Tipped Sharks behind the beachfront. They were sleeping in the pool because of its warmer, stiller water. To be able to observe these sharks so close was one of the most fascinating demonstrations of nature that I have been able to experience. All in all, the 360° boat tour was a phenomenal time and will likely be one of the most integral experiences during my time here.

Julian Garcia
<div>Hi there all! My name Julian Garcia and I was proudly born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I am in my senior year at Cornell University studying International Agriculture and Rural Development with interests in sustainable cropping systems and economic development. In my free time, you can find me hiking in the Adirondacks, spelunking 100 feet underground in a cave, trying to cook up something tasty, or reading a Hemingway novel. I hope you enjoy the blog!</div>