Every night, I dedicate time to writing in my bullet journal. I arrived in Milan with an empty journal and promised myself that I would put my heart and soul into it. Not only can I look back on these wonderful experiences, but I also have a physical scrapbook to cherish. I've documented all of my adventures, daily life, feelings, difficulties, friendships, and other experiences, which have felt extremely beneficial to my well-being. In my opinion, everyone should scrapbook, write, draw, and/or journal for their self-care. I hope some of what I've learned from keeping journals throughout the years can influence you:
Encourages self-reflection — Journaling often provides a devoted space for introspection. Writing down your thoughts and feelings allows you to get a better understanding of your emotions, experiences, and the excitement of studying abroad. It has personally helped me to think through my feelings, look at things from different perspectives, and keep my peace.
Very stress-reducing — Since there isn't always somewhere to scream, putting your ideas down on paper can help you release pent-up emotions and anxiety. Usually, the process provides me with a sense of relief and stress release, allowing me to relax and move on.
Helps you practice mindfulness — By focusing your attention on the present moment, journaling promotes mindfulness. It is essential to engage with your thoughts and behaviors, whether you just document your day, bullet journal for planning tasks, or write poetry to stay grounded.
Beneficial to your creativity — Journaling helps encourage self-expression, especially in a bullet journal where creativity is embraced. Combining drawings, doodling, stickers, and materials associated with memories can be a therapeutic way to express your creativity. It's good to have your own space where you can be yourself without the fear of being judged.
Regulates your emotions — Journaling can certainly help in the regulation of emotions by giving an outlet for processing and expressing them. It's especially helpful when I'm stressed, anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed, as it's a productive method to deal with uncomfortable feelings. Many of us prefer to stew in silence, yet writing out what you feel can relieve stress while making you feel lighter.
Helps with planning — I began bullet journaling in high school after discovering it to be a fantastic tool for goal setting and planning. I've always battled with staying on top of my work because of my ADHD. I've discovered that breaking down my goals into smaller, more doable activities and tracking my progress gives me a sense of accomplishment when even the simplest tasks are completed. This really helps with my motivation towards schoolwork.
Allows you to practice gratitude — My therapists have often taught me how beneficial it is to practice gratitude. Writing down things you're grateful for regularly can help you shift the emphasis from what you're missing to what you appreciate. Try to look at everything with a glass-half-full mindset because promoting a positive mindset will help you improve your overall well-being.
Taking the time to journal is my favorite form of self-care. It gives a dedicated space for self-expression and reflection, allowing you to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. It takes time to develop a routine, but once it’s established, bullet journaling is a great resource for maintaining and improving your overall self-care.

Jules Katz
I am a Gender Studies student at Skidmore College :) I'm a graphic designer for Lunchbox, a lovely school magazine incorporating fashion, art, and writing. I also love to bullet journal, listen to music, take photos, create art, and dance!