Say YES to an International Internship!

Johnna Hayward
April 15, 2019

The decision to accept an international internship is undoubtedly challenging. It’s often easy to point out reasons why you shouldn’t go abroad instead of understanding all of the amazing outcomes that would lead you to say YES.

After recently completing a full-time internship in Barcelona I am able to clearly understand and identify the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities than an international experience provides. Here are my top reasons why YOU should say YES…

Professional Reasons to Say YES

1. Increase Your Marketability

An international experience can add incredible value to your resume. Not only is it a great opportunity, but it will also enable you to stand out from the crowd. Very few of your peers will have international experiences on their resumes, and you will very quickly discover that it’s an incredible advantage and talking point!

2. Grow Your Network

Due to your internship, your fellow co-workers will become an international extension of your network. You now personally know multiple professionals in another part of the world! This can serve as an incredible resource for you and could also create the opportunity for international work in the future.

3. Businesses Are International

Almost every company has international ties in one way or another. Having global experience shows that you have at least a base-level understanding of different practices and cultures. Again, this will pose as a huge advantage for you moving forward in the working world.

Personal Reasons to Say YES

1. Worried about what other people will think?

Take a look at one of my previous blog posts where I discuss the reasons why I chose an international internship over a full-time job opportunity. When in the future will you have the ability to live in another country for an extended period of time? Take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity now!

2. Unsure what career path to take?

Any internship provides you with real-world projects and tasks. Throughout your experience you will have the ability to learn what you enjoy and solidify what you’re good at. You might also discover certain projects that you don’t enjoy as much. An international internship is a great opportunity to push yourself while gaining a more clear understanding of what your future full-time job will look like.

3. Worried about money?

Most importantly, you have to go into this experience knowing that it’ll be worth it in the end. The best strategy is to save and budget as effectively as you can in advance. Through a program like IES Abroad most of your expenses will be paid for before you even arrive to your destination, which is extremely reassuring. There is so much more to this experience than money, so try to not stress about it!

As stated, I undoubtedly benefited both professionally and personally from my international internship. Almost all of the aspects that I was concerned about before my time abroad ended up being little to no problem at all. I took advantage of an incredible opportunity, I gained clarity regarding my major, and I didn’t break the bank! Speaking directly from personal experience I can confidently say that completing an international internship is undoubtedly an experience like no other. It's truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So what’s stopping you? Say YES!

Until next time!


Johnna Hawyard headshot

Johnna Hayward

<p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-top:.4pt; margin-right:14.7pt; margin-bottom:.0001pt; margin-left:5.5pt"><span style="line-height:103%">Hiya! My name is Johnna (pronounced John-na). I am from Peekskill, NY (about 45 minutes north of Manhattan) and I will be graduating from Penn State in December! I’m a marketing major with strong passions related to sports and nonprofit efforts. In my free time I take weekly yoga classes and enjoy capturing Penn State’s beautiful campus through my iPhone camera lens. Lastly, traveling is a huge passion of mine and I am thrilled for the experience that I am about to embark on in Barcelona!</span></p>

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