Our last trip in London and Dublin

Jennifer Li
December 13, 2016


3. more. days. Unbelievable. 


I just finished my last take home exam and I'm officially free. Despite my computer crashing and losing my 5-page paper, I did it. I finished the semester (semi) strong. I know the semester isn't entirely over yet but we attended our farewell dinner last night and it sure as heck feels like the end. In 3 days, most of my friends will be jumping onto a plane, but not on Vueling, Ryan Air, or Easy Jet, but they'll be going home to their family and friends for the holidays. Iā€™m traveling until mid-January but I know Barcelona wonā€™t be the same without the same company. Honestly, Iā€™m feeling bittersweet at the moment and I would give anything to restart the semester but at the same time Iā€™m ready for the next chapter of my life. This experience was so raw and unexpecting. I learned so much and I can definitely say Iā€™m not the same Jen that set foot in Barcelona (with one less suitcase hahaha). I kept telling myself Iā€™m ready for the next chapter of my life, but the characters will remain the same. Iā€™ve met amazing people here and I couldnā€™t imagine life without them anymore. Iā€™ve laughed so much, if I could have a dollar for all the happy moments weā€™ve had, Iā€™d be a billionaire. In reality, Iā€™m probably almost bankrupt (hahahahaha)ā€¦ but Iā€™m leaving Europe rich; rich with experiences, rich with friendships, and rich with happiness.


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Jennifer Li

<p>Hey everyone! My name is Jennifer Li and I&rsquo;m originally from Johannesburg, South Africa. After my &frac12; birthday my family moved to Hong Kong &amp; before I turned 2 we moved to Los Angeles, California. I&rsquo;m currently at the George Washington University pursuing a bachelor&rsquo;s degree in marketing. I&rsquo;m so stoked to be studying in Barcelona this Fall!!! Follow me on this blog to see my upcoming adventures through photographs and videos!</p>

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George Washington University, The
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