I embark on a five-month study abroad adventure starting in about one week. In preparing for the trip logistically (how many pairs of shoes am I realistically going to wear?!), I’ve also begun to think about my hopes and expectations for my semester in London. If past experience is any indicator, I know I’m about to have the time of my life exploring England (and beyond!), settling into a daily routine as an international student, and occasionally embracing tourist clichés. I’m not worried about making sure I “have fun.” Nevertheless, I love lists—they’re fun to write and easy to read—so, of course I’ve created a to-do list full of oh-so-British activities to try before I leave England. It’s my “bloody smashing brilliant wicked British bucket list,” if you will. Without further ado, I give you my goals and desires for London Study Abroad 2016 (my next home away from home!) nestled into a neat little list.
1. Master the tube and ride a double-decker.
And eventually look comfortable enough to be mistaken for a Londonner!
2. Visit the British Museum, the Tate, the National Gallery, the V&A, the list goes on…
For obvious reasons.
3. Find the Knight Bus.
Harry Potter fans, this is for you.
4. Theater (thee-uh-tahhh in my best fake British accent).
I want to take advantage of London’s vibrant theater culture during study abroad. And I will happily provide in-depth plot summaries to anyone willing to send free tickets my way. ☺
5. Catch a glimpse of the queen.
Just kidding. I probably won’t see Her Highness from afar. She’ll invite me over for dinner and a Downton Abbey marathon instead.
6. Pick up some British slang.
Knackered! Fit! Aubergine! Am I making this up?
7. Markets, markets, and more markets.
From what I’ve heard, my inner market-loving foodie self will love London’s gastronomic scene (minus the fish n' chips for this vegetarian, though)
8. Pub quiz, please!
This isn’t just a cliché about England fabricated by Americans, right?
9. Crack a book and learn.
I promise to go to class in between fulfilling the rest of these fun intentions, but I reckon most of my favorite lessons from studying abroad won’t actually happen at school. They tend to happen while stuck in an airport or a train station at 2am.
10. Meet memorable people.
Traveling makes fast, close friends. I love meeting other enthusiastic travelers while exploring more of the world. Does life get much better than that?

Jane Swingle
<p>I am Jane from Janesville, Wisconsin. I study communications and French at the University of Saint Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota, but I like to spend as much time as possible studying abroad. One day, you'll probably find me living in Paris. If you can't find me there, you must not have searched all the boulangeries.</p>