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Week Three and a Trip out of Dublin

Jamie Quinn Headshot
Jamie Quinn
June 19, 2024
The Dingle coastal landscape at sunset, featuring a grassy hillside leading to a calm body of water. A wooden fence runs along the foreground, while the sky is pink and purple with scattered clouds.

Monday, June 10 

Monday morning, I went to the Spars near my work and bought some hard candies because my throat had been hurting. Since Saturday night, I’d been feeling a bit sick, but I was telling myself I just needed to rest and drink lots of water. I slowly kept feeling worse and worse as the day went on though. Luckily, there wasn’t a lot for me to do at rehearsal, so my boss let me go at lunch. I took the afternoon and did some much-needed grocery shopping with a roommate who also got off early, then rested in bed, hoping to wake up feeling better tomorrow. 


Tuesday, June 11 

Luckily, I wasn’t needed at my internship until 12:30 so I was able to sleep in a bit. I still woke up feeling gross. I took some meds and felt better, so I decided to go into work. I spent the afternoon at the GSA HQ instead of at rehearsals, taking inventory of their merchandise and organizing it. It was easy work, which I didn’t mind because I still wasn't feeling my best. I also went out to close businesses to ask them to display flyers of the summer classes GSA offers. I thought that I was going to get a lot of no’s, but everyone was very kind and almost everyone said yes. It was a good opportunity to stroll around the temple bar area, and I went into lots of shops and cafes I probably would’ve otherwise looked over.  

After I got off work, I went to Boots and got more meds. I also stopped for ice cream (it was much needed) at Gino’s, which I’d walked past lots but hadn’t tried yet. I got their mango sorbet. After I got home, I FaceTimed some friends from back home, talked to my family, worked on my blog(!!) and journal, and made plans for this weekend. I made the decision to take the next morning off work, just to be able to sleep in more and hopefully recover from whatever I’ve got going on. One of my roommates has strep, so I was just hoping I didn't too.  

Wednesday, June 12 

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling a little better than the day before. Hopefully it was just a few days of feeling kind of sick, and I’ll be better for this weekend. I want to head to Killarney to do the Ring of Kerry with a roommate and a few other friends. At work, I did more merchandise inventory and flyering around the temple bar area, much like yesterday. 

 After work, I grabbed a quick dinner at the apartment and headed off to the seminar with my roommates. We spent time talking about lots of different topics in class. We talked specifically about the elections because last Friday was election day. I’m glad all the political advertisements will be down soon. After we got back from the seminar, we spent our evening trying to plan this weekend. At first, we were hoping to go to Galway, but we decided to do Killarney this weekend instead. We booked our train tickets before securing a place to stay and ran into trouble finding somewhere to stay. It was getting late so we decided to table it for the night and find somewhere tomorrow. 

Thursday, June 13 

I woke up feeling almost completely better on Thursday and had an easy day at work again. I’d been having some trouble with my shower draining, and I put in a maintenance request yesterday to fix it. The request form had said it was going to take up to 5 days to fix. Having lived in a dorm last year, I was fully expecting it to take at least a week, but I was pleasantly surprised when it was fixed in one day. The staff at Beckett house have been so incredibly welcoming, I’m glad to have them here for us. 

I spent the evening finalizing plans for this weekend. We still couldn’t find somewhere to stay for more than one night, so we changed our plans to visit Dingle as well as Killarney. It felt a little more last minute than I would’ve liked, but traveling with a smaller group of friends is easier to coordinate. Our group had shrunk from about six to just me and one of my roommates. We finalized our plans to stay in Killarney Friday night and Dingle Saturday night. We’re staying in hostels, which I never have before. I’m a little nervous about that but I’m more confident because I'm not alone.


Friday, June 14 

I spent Friday morning packing, and at 1 we caught the train to Mallow before grabbing our connection to Killarney. The public transport here isn’t too hard to figure out once you've done it once, but it’s confusing the first time you’re on it. I’m so glad I had a friend there with me. We checked into our hostel first thing when we got to Killarney. We stayed at the Black Sheep Hostel. We booked an all-women’s room, and the hostel provided breakfast in the morning, as well as having multiple bathrooms for us all to use. It was such a good place to stay, and a great first experience in a hostel.

We visited the Killarney National Park after grabbing dinner at a local pub. We walked 30 minutes there, and did some hiking in the park. One of the places we stopped at was Ross Castle. I didn’t realize until we were there, but I had been at Ross Castle when I was in Ireland 5 years ago! I was able to explore more of the area around it this time. I think the first time we went, we saw the castle and had to move on with our tour. This time, we did some hiking on one of the trails around the castle, got ice cream, then headed back to our hostel for bed.  


Saturday, June 15 

We woke up early Saturday morning to catch the hop-on hop-off bus tour. We didn’t want to hire a taxi or Uber and couldn’t rent a car, so at only 15 euro, it was the best option to get around Killarney National Park. Seeing as we were the only people on the earliest tour, it was a private ride on a double-decker bus! We stopped first at the Torc Waterfall which I also realized I had been at when I was in Ireland before. We had an hour to spend at the waterfall, but it was only a five-minute walk from where we were dropped off. We spent time hiking around the area. There were loads of beautiful purple flowers around. The whole area was stunning. After Torc Waterfall, we headed to Muckross House. We also only had an hour here, and we didn’t have tickets to get inside, so we walked around outside on the grounds. It started raining at this point, but under the trees we stayed mostly dry. We hopped onto our bus that took us back into town. We tried to go into the cathedral but there was a wedding happening! It was our first near-wedding crash of the day. We grabbed lunch in Killarney, looked at some souvenir shops (I got earrings!) and got on our bus to Dingle. 

In Dingle, we stopped by our hostel to drop off our bags before going on another hike. This time we stayed at Lovett’s Hostel. This hostel was also very nice. We didn’t have the privilege of an all-women's room here though. We had heard that the lighthouse was a 30-minute walk (it wasn’t), so, we set out for the Dingle lighthouse, but turned back when we encountered our second wedding of the day. The trail we were on was part of their backdrop for photos. We didn’t want to photobomb, so we turned around for dinner before heading back to see if they had finished taking photos. We wanted to watch the sunset on the beach near the lighthouse. On our walk there, we encountered a herd of cows that were on our path. They were so close to us; we could have pet them. We were too scared to, but we enjoyed the sunset by the lighthouse and made our way back to the hostel for our last night out of Dublin. 


Sunday, June 16 

We woke up early again on Sunday morning to get breakfast before we had our sea safari! This is what I had been most excited about for this weekend. We got suited up in waterproof pants and jackets before setting out on the boat. It was about two and a half hours on the water. We got a tour of Dingle Bay and some surrounding islands (including one that they filmed some Star Wars and a few other movies on!). It was great to see the beautiful landscapes, but of course the highlight was the wildlife! We saw jellyfish, puffins, seals, and lots of dolphins. The dolphins would come up close to the boat and swim along with us. It was such a treat to be able to see so many animals. The sea safari was the trip's highlight. If you decide to travel to Dingle, I absolutely recommend it! 

We had hoped to have time to do another hike in Dingle before needing to catch our bus to the train station, but the sea safari ran just late enough that we didn’t want to risk missing our bus. So, we grabbed lunch (fish and chips of course), did some window shopping, and hopped on our bus to Tralee. We got on our train to Dublin with no problems and were back in time to go to bed for work tomorrow! It was such a great weekend seeing more of Ireland and getting out of the city for a few days. I’m so excited to travel even more throughout the rest of my time here. 

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Jamie Quinn Headshot

Jamie Quinn

Hi! I'm Jamie, a BFA student at Missouri State University, but I'm from Omaha, Nebraska. I love theatre, the outdoors, and traveling (I've been to 10+ countries!). I'm interning with the Gaiety School of Acting and I can't wait to share my stories!

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